Tuesday, December 29, 2020


We talk about “there is Kung fu every day” but dreaming about Kung fu is a whole different level. 

I have dreams about Kung fu. And in the most recent ones I am analyzing techniques with other black belts. Now I wish I could remember all that was in the dream because I’m sure there was lots of good stuff discussed. But I only remember parts of t (which is also great). 

Going to tryout some of these insights. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020


 Challenges has always been a great motivator if you join. In the past, I had the plank challenge, the squat thrust challenge, and few more. These were great to keep me accountable and motivated to practice in areas I needed to.

But if you do not join a challenge, you are missing an opportunity. If you are serious about your training, you should really join these challenges. If you are struggling with your training, you should really join these challenges.

Challenges are not easy. If they were, we would not call them "challenges" :-). You have to work in order to progress.

Join a challenge!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Evaluating art

 How do you evaluate art?

It can be hard because a piece of art can seem to be exceptional to some while ordinary to others. 

Kung Fu is an art and we could be evaluating the same technique differently. 

But there are some fundamentals that are not debatable and in my opinion can be easily measured. And cannot be faked. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Back forward

 My back is hurting more in the last couple weeks. It was getting better but now it is going back. What is good is that I know I can get it to a better place. And I will. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

What is making sure I do what I said I will?

$$$ - if I paid for it, I will use it. So if I paid for a gym membership, I will use it to make sure I make my money worth it. If it is for free - it is easier to stop and quit. 

Although it is nice to get free services and free items. It is more motivating when you actually paid for them. Like - I should use my running shoes that I spent good money on. I should go to the gym because I am already paying.

Might not be the best way to get motivated - but it works for me.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Who is making sure I do what I said I will?

One of the ways that help us to reach our goals is to make sure someone is holding us accountable. I find that I need someone with "authority". I can't just have a family member or a friend to keep me accountable to keep me going and stay on track with my goal. But a health professional, or a manager at work will work great. I need someone I can be "scared" of. Not just anyone. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Stay on the road

It was raining early today and as I was driving on the slippery road I was thinking about how easy it is to lose your grip and slip into the ditch. 

Literally but then also in Kung fu. It is too easy to stop practicing and fall into the ditch of mediocrity. It is way harder to get back on the road. Wheels spinning in the snow...

I kept saying to myself- stay on the road. Stay on the road. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Horse stance

 I used to hate horse stance. It was always so hard. A game changer for me was after I started working on my hip flexibility. Being able to open up the hips allows me to do better horse stance for a longer time. 

Still hard but feels so much better. I have so much more to work on my flexibility but I’m on the right track. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020


 One of the things I hate the most is favoritism. When people get better or different treatment just because they are more liked. 

Why do we like some people more than others? Because they are like us? Because they are not like us? Because we see great potential or because there is almost none. 

I want to treat people the same way regardless of their (fill the blank). I hope I do. 

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Random challenge

 When I put a practice plan I know what I’m going to do and I probably avoid the drills I don’t really like. 

Random practice like the advent challenge are great way to do training I wouldn’t normally do. 

Friday, December 4, 2020

Give up?

 Sometimes you just can’t make it. Right? Then it is ok to just give up. 

Just writing this makes me feel so mediocre. 

Why can’t I do it? No reason. Lots of excuses. But it doesn’t matter. I have to push through. This is who I am. Not giving up. Do the best I can. 

So now I have 20 more power of the instep to do. I still have time to do it and maybe even more. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Growth is a journey

I’ve been thinking about growth quite a lot in the last little while. If you noticed that.

Sometimes, you’re not ready to learn something. It’s not that you don’t want to learn but sometimes you don’t have the capacity to completely comprehend the lesson.

There were times I was thought a lesson and only after I had the same lesson few years after I truly understood what the lesson was about.

And then it takes even more time until you’re actually able to implement what’s in the lesson. Growth  is a journey. It takes time.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Reflection Time

We always want more. I want a bigger house, a faster car, a tastier steak... But we do need to be happy with what we've got. This is true for our physical needs but not for our learning. As mentioned yesterday - self improvement is an on-going journey. You always want to get better. To have more knowledge. Develop better skills. 

But even with growth we sometimes need to pause (not stop) and reflect on everything we got. I want to try to be able to reflect more on where I am. I think this is also part of my growth.

This will allow me to see what I have achieved and also help me have a better understanding of what are my next steps.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 The more I learn the more I realize how much I don’t know. This statement, while true, can be perceived negative and stop you from learning more. But if you change your perspective and take it as an opportunity to keep on learning, then it is positive. The more I learn the more opportunities I have to keep on learning. 

Monday, November 30, 2020


I'm watching a short film about a man who lost his vision when he was 19. But this is not stopping him and he continues to do rock climbing.

Yes. Rock climbing.

Not indoor. But outdoors in places that you can get killed if you are falling down. In places where I would be terrified to be in and not able to climb even 2 meters.

This is inspiring and at the end he says a sentence that stack with me: "I'm not disabled. I am blind and abled".

He is more able than most people that do not do what they want to do because they are not good enough. We should all learn from this guy and do what we love. Nothing can stop us. Not even being blind.

Monday, November 16, 2020


 We can always complain that our leaders are not showing leadership. If we really think they are doing bad, we should advocate for there replacement or better yet be the alternative leader.

Regardless, what we do and how we lead - even in our small little bubble - has an effect on our surrounding. Good or bad, there is an impact.

The recent restrictions were not clear and I think we could have kept the kwoon open BUT it wouldn't have been the right think to do. Switching back to online classes is showing leadership and also understanding of what the restrictions are for.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Student for Life

 If you stop learning - your are dying. In Kung Fu there is always something new to learn and it is an endless journey, if you are willing to take it.

Never stop learning, never stop growing.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Start Now

 When should you start training for black belt grading? The best answer is when you start Kung Fu - as a white belt. If you are disciplined and do as your instructors advise you, you will be prepared for your grading. But if you did not do this when you joined, then start now.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.Chinese proverb 

Monday, September 7, 2020

The things that get scheduled are the things that get done

Even if you know you need to do something, it ain't going to happen if you are scheduling it. It is important to plan your week and plan your day. Schedule what you want to do. This is the only way you can make sure you will do it!

Monday, August 31, 2020

Why stop if it is working?

 I have been working on deep stretches for few weeks and I started seeing changes in my flexibility. Then I started adding more to my routine and my stretch routine started falling apart. 

It takes long time to properly stretch. I now know that. Stretching for 10-15 seconds (I have done that for years) is not making any impact. Stretching for 5 minutes is working. But it takes long time.

I need to be able to do something else during my stretch routine so it is not a "waste of time". I am going to try to listen to podcasts while stretching. We will see how that works...

Monday, August 24, 2020

Can't stop eating

Struggling with food. This is a problem many people have. There are so many obese people out there and many of them are kids.

We live is a society of salt and sugar.

And the problem is that I also love salt and sugar.

In the past, working out was enough to keep me slim but no more. I am gaining weight and it is much harder to lose it.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Failure #10

Failures are part of growth but a repetitive failure is not. 

If I'm failing over and over again then I might have the wrong goal, I might not have the right plan, I might not have someone to keep me accountable or I might not be following my plan and being discipline with my actions.

So where is the learning here? Where is the growth? 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Black Belt?

 In our IHC meeting some people talked about the realization of why they are doing Kung Fu. For me for a long time it has not been for the black belt or for Kung Fu itself. 

Why am I passionate about Kung Fu? Kung Fu is a tool the proved to be successful for me to live based to my values.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Being Flexible

Well - I am not the most flexible person yet...

I've been doing this stretching routine since May (except for when I was on vacation) and I have to say I can see a change.

My hamstrings are so tight but I can reach out further than what I could before. Same with my shoulders and also with my hips. I am able to sit on the ground for longer periods of time.

I need to continue with this as I really want to be more flexible.

Monday, July 27, 2020

New Toys

Sometimes you need a new toy to re-ignite your motivation. For runners it could be a new pair of shoes. For martial artist it could be a new weapon. For me it is a new app.

I've been using apps to do and track my exercises and running. Now with a new app (and a new plan on the app) I might be able to get out of the plateau I got into.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Hidden hip

We have been working lots lately on hidden hip flexible distance technique. This is a challenging technique as it has so much in it. Sometimes I feel good with this but sometimes I feel I am not feeling it.

I understand the mechanics of it but what I need to work on is to keep my intent pure. This is hard for me because my mind tend to wander and I also gets tired fast.

Before starting anything, not just in Kung fu, I need to make sure my intent is clear.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Where am I ?

Sifu Brinker asked us if we are were we planned to be. For me the answer is no. With the pandemic I had to shift gears and select a different path. Different goals.

I think adjusting to your surroundings is important.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Training a Dog

Recently we started training our dog. Surprisingly (not), it is all a matter of discipline. You practice and you see results. Just have to keep at it.

Now did someone think of their own training?

Monday, June 29, 2020

What Grass Can Teach Us

The grass is greener on the other side! Is it true? 

It is a matter of angle and perspective. When you are looking at yourself, you see (and know) all the flaws and struggles. When you are at someone else you do not see what issues they are having and it might all seemed perfect. But it is not.

We all struggle and our struggle change in time. What might seems great from the outside might be just the angle you are looking. The goes with how you vie yourself - it might seems really bad but if you change your perspective, it might not be bad at all.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Life Matters

People have always been put into groups. Looking at the other groups with fear, detest.

We need to eradicate all signs of hatred or injustice due to race, sex, body type, religion, etc. At the same time we should not turn into destructive behavior that is just going to hurt other.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Kitbag question

In my early days in the army, they made us run a lot. For every little mistake someone had done, our Sargent would make us run for what seemed to be hours.

Sometimes they would tell us to bring our kitbag (which is a big bag with all sort of army stuff) and made us run with it.

One time, when we were told to be ready in 1 minute to start the punishment running someone asked “should we bring the kitbag with us” to which the answer was - oh yes.

Bottom line - don’t ask kitbag questions as you t will just make you work harder.

In Kung Fu I’ve seen this few time where we were asked to do 100 kicks before next class and then someone asks - 100 each leg... when this happens I always think of kitbag.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Lawn Evolution

I like my lawn. I like it to be greener than what the neighbor has (which is not easy as the one across from us takes really good care of his lawn).

Growing up we always had a push mower. It was a chore I hated. It took long time and it was hard.

After getting a house in Canada, I bought my first gas lawn mower. Life was easy! But there were always mechanical issues. With my close to nothing mechanical skills, it meant buying a new one or getting this fixed for almost the same price.

Then after few years I bought a battery powered lawn mower. This was progress as I was not dealing with an engine and I was also "saving the environment". But this one died fast (the battery) and never cut the grass properly.

I had new lawn mowers since (gas and battery) and I was only happy with my last one till it broke last week. sigh.

Well now I have decided to get a new push mower - no mechanical issues, no batteries issues, and getting in better shape pushing and mowing.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Running out of time

It is interesting how I always run out of time. I work from home and I save approximately 1 hour a day on commuting. Regardless I find I have less and less time to do everything I want to do.

This forces me to try to focus on what is important. But at the same time, it is challenging to go full force and without some down time.

This weekend I found time to read which is something I was not able to do for a long time. At least not work related. It was pretty nice and I hope to be able to do that as a down time in the near future.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Good from bad

One good thing about the isolation is that more and more people are getting used to use video conferencing. This helps me connect with family back in Israel where is the past they have "struggled" to use technology.

Monday, May 18, 2020

New Plan - part 2

Continuing with last's week blog -

the second thing I want to focus on is my flexibility. I started going to physio and I find that lots of my back pain (and parts of the body pain) is due to very very very tight muscles.

The treatments are painful but I do feel there is progress. I have less back pain and I do feel more flexible.

I am also starting a stretching routine that focuses on a different area everyday. This routine emphasis the importance of stretching for long enough time. 3 to 5 minutes!

Monday, May 11, 2020

New Plan - part 1

With new circumstances plans change. I had a specific schedule and rhythm with work and Kung Fu. Things changed.

There are 2 things I plan to focus on in the next year (which means I will have less time for other things).

The first is my ability to do things without getting out of breath. With staying at home, I am feeling less active than when I am at work. The best way I can think of to get better cardio is by running.

I know it will not be easy and will not be happening overnight. But I need to get running - faster and longer runs.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Act Now!

 We cannot change the past. So why do we look back and have thoughts of what if?

There are lots of things I wish I would have done in the past, things I wish I started earlier. But I cannot. What I can do is shape my future. So instead of dwelling in the past, I need to think about my future and act in the present. Act now.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Habits reinvented

Since the beginning of COVID19 isolation, all my routines were broken. I've managed to get some new routines in place like morning workouts and working on the Kung Fu videos added a different kind of routine as well.

There are 2 things I want to get back into. One is better diet. Working from home makes it hard to control my diet. The pantry is just few steps away... But I'm going to try to get into the habit of preparing some better choices to be able to pick from. The second is running. I am not a good runner but I got into a routine of running when I was able to go to the gym. Now I wait for the weather to get warmer and to be able to go for a daily run. Maybe in a couple of weeks...

Monday, March 23, 2020

What's in a number?

We set goal or requirements and we quantify them to make sure we can measure progress and success. But why are we choosing a specific number as our goal? Why for some things we set the target at a thousand where for others it might be 50,000?

When we set a target number we want to set a number that is achievable but at the same time a number that will challenge us. If it is too easy (e.g. 100 push-ups in a year) then it is not advancing us. If it is too hard then we will most likely get discouraged and stop.

So when picking a target it should be the right number for you. Challenging but achievable.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Destruction of Structure

I’ve been challenged with lots of travel in the first few months of the year. Every time I travel it takes me out of my routine. I started to develop a new routine while I’m travelling but the last trip was hectic and I was not able to do what I have planned. Oh well, one week and then we are back to normal.

Well that did not happen. I started working from home. Kids are at home. I don’t like practicing at home. I like the disconnect of being at the Kwoon or being at the gym.

I’m sure a new routine will be formed soon as it seems this is going to be our new normal for the next few months.

One structure gone. New one will be formed.

Monday, March 9, 2020


Engagement is one of the key components of the IHC. As long as you are engage in improving yourself and engaged with the team you are set. 

But engagement can come in all different levels. From doing nothing to being the energizer bunny. Both extremes are not good. With doing nothing it is obvious. With going overboard you are risking burnout. 

Showing to classes, attending meetings, blogging, reading blogs, actively participating in IHC projects, knowing who is on the team, helping each other. This is what engagement means to me. And it requires lots of effort. 

Monday, March 2, 2020

Years of practice

We all start somewhere. Each person will have their own starting point and skill level. 

As a white belt, do not expect your techniques to look like a black belt techniques. You will get there one day but it takes years of practice. 

As a black belt, I do not expect I will have as pristine techniques as my instructors. I will get there with years of practice. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

Going deeper

When doing many repetitions of forms I find it is hard to maintain deep stances. I can list many reasons for this - muscle fatigue, can complete the form faster, I’m just focused on sequence. But when I do focus on good deep stances the form feels better and looks better. 

Working with weapons amplifies the need for good deep stances. You can see and feel how your skeleton alignments better, how your vector of power is better defined. You are also working the muscles harder which will make them stronger. 

We keep hearing “lower your stance” and there is a good reason for that!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Why is it important to learn how to lion dance or how to dragon dance?

Other than the obvious reasons of team work, improving the team spirit, fitness, etc. there is also the benefit of making sure Kung fu is not becoming another MMA arena. Kung Fu is an art that existed for centuries and it will only exist in the future if the same spirit is maintained. In order to keep the spirit of Kung Fu, one must learn the history of Kung Fu and immerse themselves in the Kung Fu culture which a very important part of it are the lion dance and the dragon dance.

Monday, February 10, 2020

One More

The One More concept is an important mindset I’ve learnt from sifu Prince many years ago. 

The idea behind this was that you always do one more than what you are told during warmup. 20 push-ups become 21. 50 jumping jacks become 51. 

Always push yourself a little more. Don’t stay in your comfort zone. 

Monday, February 3, 2020

Vocabulary of Motion

I’ve been working lots in the last few months to better define what vocabulary of motion means. Sifu Brinker often uses the analogy to speaking. The way I see it, at first we learn words. Then we learn how to combine them in a sentence that makes sense. Then you are mastering your speech by changing the speed of your speech, the tone, the rhythm, the fluctuations, etc. 

There is so much to learn in martial art on how to master your techniques, put them into a sentence, find the right rhythm. It is a journey that will keep me evolving.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Well-Oiled Machine

An event like the Chinese New Year banquet can only be successful with good planning, proper execution and the ability to make adjustments as the program progress. We had a group of people preparing and planning days and weeks before the evening started. And even a bigger group of people helping and making sure the banquet goes as planned. 

With a new venue, there were many unknowns and it was great to see the adjustments done to ensure a successful night. There will always be issues that in retrospect we could have handled differently. Growth is built on learning from success and failure. 

What’s important is to make sure we are learning from the past and not experiencing the same year after year. Growth from success or failures will only happen if we actually do something to fix it next time!