Sunday, January 31, 2016


Last night I had the chance to spend the night with some great people, eating great food and watching an inspiring demo. Last night we went to the Ging Wu Chinese New Year banquet. The black belts and students of the Ging Wu association put down a demonstration that was very impressive. The skill, control and flow in their forms were very awesome and very inspiring. On the way back home, I was thinking about our role in the IHC and are we inspiring other students at SRKF. I know for sure there are many individuals that are. Some are always an inspiration for myself. I'm hoping that there is at least one student that I get to inspire. Hard Work, Repetition, Visibility, Eye for Details, Determination, Perfection. It is work in progress.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Next Year...

We are getting ready for the big finale of the year. For me, this is the peak of the year but also inspiration to keep on going. I do not want to fall behind after the banquet has ended. I'm trying to change my life in a sustainable way. A way that I can continue on with. At the same time there is always growth. No matter what we do and how great our success, we learn and grow as individuals and as a team.

I have a message to all on the group new and veterans -

For Sheep members who are taking a break of the program - I hope you find a way to continue to evolve and grow. Remember that the fact that you are not in the team does not mean you can't ask for help or share your journey.

For new Monkey members - you have made a decision that will change your life. Ask questions. Seek for help (even if you think you do not need it). We are all struggling in life and we can all learn from each other.

For Sheep members transforming into Monkeys... try to make this year a better year. If you have had struggles this year - let the team know, blog about it. The power of the team is greater than the power of one.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


Last weekend I had a conversation with Mr. Duncan about addictions, I was sharing with him that I also have an addiction. I love food. I love food in any shape or form. I like to experiment food and I like familiar comfort food.

When I am busy, I can go without food but when I am not busy I find myself living in the fridge or in the pantry. If I did not work out as much as I do, I would have been a 300 pounds dude.

After talking to Mr. Duncan, I was thinking about why am I hungry all the time and I came to realization that maybe I'm not hungry. Maybe I'm thirsty and my mind is interpenetrating it as hunger.

Then I was talking to Sifu Regier about it and realized what other affects dehydration might have on my body. I also realize that I need to have an easy access to water in order to drink it. If I have to put an effort into it, I will get juice or something else.

There is no easy way. I just need to drink more (water). I will track my intake daily and keep you posted once in a while on how much I'm drinking. Out of curiosity - I was wondering how much water each one of you drinks everyday???

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Good to Great

The biggest enemy of being great is being good.

The book "Good to Great" aims to describe how companies transition from being average companies to great companies and how companies can fail to make the transition.

From my point of view, I want to understand how a martial artist is transforming from a good martial artist into a great martial artist. How to avoid failing making this transition. 

Is it just practicing more? developing a better eye for details? trying new techniques and forms? enforcing the base techniques and forms? mental growth, physical growth? combination of all?
How do we even measure a martial artist and mark them as great? is this subjective? 

I think that if I got my black belt and stopped, I would have been a good martial artist (or maybe even a martial artist). If I keep going with my training and keep progressing, I am becoming a great martial artist. This is why the IHC is such a great program as it is giving you the tools and the opportunities toward mastery, towards being great.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year Resolutions?

There are numerous opportunities throughout the year to set "New Year Resolutions". It can be on the start of the new year, the start of a program/project, on your birthday. But if you want to change or get better with something, why wait? Just stat now! Start on any day of the year. Don't wait for some arbitrary date. It is probably more sustainable not to set new year resolutions as they tend to be non-achievable for most people.

Now, we all need to have goals and dreams. So go ahead and set your new years goals. Plan your next IHC goals. But if you think the goal is worthy of you doing it for life - start doing it NOW.