Sunday, April 26, 2015

Love and Hate

I knew it all along and it is not something new that I learned about my-self. I LOVE food. I like to eat. Sweet food, salty food, greasy food, spicy food - I love it all. Chinese food, Japanese food, mid-eastern food, Italian food, Canadian food - I love it all.

I used to be able to eat lots and stay in a reasonable weight due to my activity and metabolism. It seems like one is changing and I can feel the waistline getting bigger. I don't like that but I still eat lots and I eat the good stuff - the stuff that make me fat.

There is another thing that I knew for a long time. I HATE squat thrusts. Out of all the exercises (and not after close battle with mountain climbers and lateral jumps) squat thrusts is the one that I dislike the most. The motion of up and down makes me dizzy and I feel like dropping dead on the ground after a few,

I figured out what my desired target weight is. From now on, every day I will check the difference between my weight and my target weight and I will do this amount in squat thrust.

There are 2 potential outcomes:
1. I will get to my target weight.
2. I will get used to doing lots of squat thrust.

Better start working... 17 squat thrusts done today.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


This weekend was the first in a long time were I as able to spend time outside and enjoy it. The sun was nice and warm. The wind was not too strong and I was doing various projects and tasks outside. Enjoyed time with the kids outside and took the dogs to the dog park.

There is something about the sun and being exposed to it for a long time. It makes me feel good. I did not want the weekend to end. It was a good weekend. I had fun practicing Kung Fu on Friday and Saturday and then soaking in the sun while power raking, running and building self watering pots.

My numbers are still not there as I was sick for more than a week but I'm back on track and I'm sure my numbers will be where they need to be soon. I also trying something else with my Bokken - I have a new form (which means I need to practice more to get it to where it needs to be).

Lots of work ahead but as long as the sun is shining, I'll be OK...

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Who's Journey

I have no doubts about this. My journey in Kung Fu is not just my journey. It is interlaced with my kids journeys and my wife's journey.

This past week my twin girls were grading for their orange belt. I have to admit that I was nervous. On top of everything they have to meet my standards but are my standards good enough? My son is advancing towards his black belt and I keep wondering if I'm doing what I need to in order to help him achieve that and at the same time am I doing too much? I want it to be his journey not mine.

My wife is progressing as well and now I can finally hear her talking about a black belt. I still remember how hard it was to convince her to join... I'm very happy to see that her journey is a good one too.

I think that my journey was influenced by many others. I always want to have positive influence on anyone at the kwoon. Setting a positive example that will inspire others. And if you need help, please ask (sometimes I might be oblivious) and I will gladly do my best to help you out.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Not fun being sick

I had high hopes from this long weekend. I took 2 days extra from work but I had to deal wit work crisis on both so in retrospec it would have been better to go to work. 

My back is still hurting every morning. Frequent visits to the chiropractor helped but I still wake up from the pain early in the morning. I guess the fact that I'm extremely tired contributed to the fact that I got sick. I was fighting it on Friday and Saturday but today I was a total wrek. 

With my back problems and being exhausted everyday, I find it is hard to mindfully practice. I go through the motions but without speed and intensity.

I sure hope the new week will mark a change as I cannot keep it this way.