Sunday, April 29, 2018

Peaks and Valleys

When climbing a mountain, sometimes you need to cross valleys and sometimes you need to stop and view the beauty around you.

It is OK to take some break as long as you are able to continue with your journey. It is OK to go steady rather than sprinting and then collapsing without the ability to carry on.

I always try to do what I can sustain for future years. And I also grateful for all that I and the people around me have achieved.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

More practice is needed.

Big city. Lots of people. High rise buildings. This is downtown Vancouv
Back to Kung fu reality - I recorded my form an I did not like it. I have lots to work on.
Videos do not lie. I have lots to practice.

Sunday, April 15, 2018


Part of my role at work requires me to let go of things I did in the past and get others to do it. It is hard sometimes to let go as you don't know if they will do a good job and if they will do it the way you want to do it. Also, there is some unknown in terms of what you are going to be doing if you are not doing what you did in the past.

Last Saturday I had the same feeling. We practiced the Dragon and I let Simon head the dragon. I was just on the outside giving feedback. This was different and challenging for me.

There is nothing permanent except change. - Heraclitus

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Photography Eye

It has been a hard week. I left last Sunday and got home on Saturday. 2 short weekends and a very busy week at a client site make it hard to focus on what is important to me.

So why do I do it?

Because I need to get better. There is something in me that will not let me stay stagnant if there is an opportunity to improve.

I was watching a photography course on the flight back and there was something the guy said in relation to becoming a good photographer that stack with me - "People that can't see that their work is lacking, will never get any better".

This is so true. Attention to details. Knowing what you did wrong. These are a must in the path of mastery.

"The rain has stopped and is no longer with us. We still love the rain and we miss him so much." Geshem, 2018

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Decisions we make, actions we take are what makes us who we are.
Any change in our past would have changed where we are now.
Some decisions or actions could have had a major effect and some minor.

If I did not decide to join Kung fu years back, I would obviously not know most if not all of you.
Other things would be different as well. For the better? For the worse? Who knows.

Even the one event I would have want to change could have meant I would not be where I am now. Life and experience defines who we are. All we can do is learn and shape our future.

Love you and miss you Aba.