Friday, March 31, 2023

Gut feeling

 Sometimes things are not what you think.

I think I have good intuition about people. But today I got surprised by 2 individuals. In the last 2 weeks I’ve been watching 12 candidates in an evaluation course. One of them seemed really good and another really bad. But today while presenting their built system, the one who I thought was good, did really bad and the one I had doubts about, aced it. 

Makes you think about how many times your gut feeling was wrong…

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Are you a cow or a buffalo?

Do you know what the difference is between cows and buffalos?

When a storm is coming, the cows run away from the storm while the buffalos run towards the storm. 

When the storm eventually catches on to the cows, they are tired. Not ready to face the storm. The buffalos face the storm when they are strong. 

Well - maybe I butchered the story… but the moral is that you should face challenges. Not run away from them. 

🐄 🦬 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Why not?

 As long as I was part of the IHC, I blogged consistently. But when I was no longer part of the group, I stopped. 

Why? Was I blogging because I had to? And when I did need to, I stopped? Didn’t I realize the benefits of blogging?