Sunday, July 29, 2018

Past and present

We are on the way to Yellowstone. Stopped for few days at Writing on Stone provincial park. 

We got here 2 years ago and loved it. It is funny how while here now, you remember what happened last time we were here. 

One of the themes of that trip was Sharida breaking a board or two every day. 

This time we are using the broken boards (we have lots of broken boards) for starting fire. 

And thankfully the boards are the only thing broken - but that is for a future blog. 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

I got my black belt. And now what?

Getting your black belt is a big goal. You train hard. Harder than ever. You learn lots and progress with techniques. And then one day it happens. You get your black belt. And now what?

We talk about it being a journey. Not a mountain we climb and reach the top and then stop. Some people reach the top of the mountain and then see another mountain in the distance. Now they are focused on this new thing. Some people decide to retire in the valley- framing a picture of the mountain on their wall. Some realized that they did not actually reach the top of the mountain range and that there is still more to learn.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Goal Setting

Goal settings is not an easy walk in the park. You have to consider your ability to achieve your goals.

Set it too high and you are setting yourself for failure. Setting it too low leads to mediocrity. Setting it in a way that is too easy for you to achieve, and you will not grow from the experience.

Challenging yourself but at the same time making it attainable is the key.

Sometimes we are setting goals that are for life. With these goals we have to be able to maintain and improve on what you do for a longer period of time. Create habits that will help you continue with your journey.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Removing Unnecessary Clutter

This weekend I did something that I should have done years ago. I cleaned my garage. You know how you keep this item that you never use and maybe you will use in the future? Or the item that you will never use but you had it when you did that awesome trip? Well - I got rid of all of these. I really challenged myself to empty it out and to keep only the items that I am using. Still wished I had a bigger garage, but at least now I can see the floor and some of the walls... :-)

With training it is kind of similar. I need to focus my attention to what is important now and not what might be important in the future or what could have been important in the past. Figuring out what are the important aspects of my training and focusing on them. For me there are 2 right now - getting my cardio to a reasonable level and taking my six harmonies to the next level. It is a bit hard to improve on both with my sore back but I am determined to do it.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


I was back last Monday from a week long trip to Pittsburgh and then to Raleigh NC. Flying all day Monday and then crazy busy week at work. I did not really feel I am back.

This long weekend is probably a good reset for me. It was great being with lots of friends doing demos but I did not participate in the demos this year. My back was not feeling right for my weapon demo and I guess I'm retired from the Dragon?!

When we are part of the IHC group we have to make sure we are engaged. Even if we are not participating in a demo, you need to be part of the team. This is especially true if you are in your grading year. All the other students need to see your actions and believe you have earned the black belt.