Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Plan and Reality

I like having a plan. And sub plans. 

It all starts from the end goal and then back to the start. Segmented with all that has to happen. 

The plan is solid but will be adjusted as you go.

Teaching a class is the same. First asking yourself what is the end goal. Student continues to grow, students progress with their ranks, students are kept engaged (not quitting). 

As there are a lot of factors for success, the plan is morphing and changing based on the needs of the class. But the goal stays solid most of the time. Changes to the plan can and will happen in between classes and also in class itself but these are small adjustments based on who is in class, your state of mind and how the class is progressing. 

Overall- the plan serves the goal. The plan changes based on reality. 

Sunday, April 24, 2022


 It is amazing how the sun is affecting us so much. Warmth, light. 

We strive to surround ourselves with positive minded people and the sun has such an important part of that as well. People also choose we’re to live so they can get more sun. 

But the sun can also be a problem when it is too hot. Watch a couple movies about sun flares and what it can cause. Scary. 

So again it all comes back to balance. 

Peter Quill:
What should we do next? Something good or something bad, or a bit of both?

We'll follow your lead, Star-Lord.

Peter Quill:
A bit of both!

Sunday, April 17, 2022


As humans we always strive to have more. More skills, more materials, more money. 
While what we need is to do more, to do better with what we have. 
As a black belt I have lots of knowledge and there isn’t necessarily a need to learn new skills but to improve on the ones I got.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Who am I?

 It is hard being pulled in 2 directions. Am I an instructor or am I a parent. 

While I definitely understand the benefits of having my kids in Kung fu, this has been a stressor of mine. Are they going to do it right?

As an instructor I do not want to give any special treatment for my kids but I think that this interfere with what I would do with my kids if you was not their instructor as well. 


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Our capacity

 Sifu Brinker talked about the wagon of knowledge. This is the capacity for each and one of us to collect and retain knowledge. 

While it might be nice to think that the size of our wagons is the same or that the size of the wagon stays the same - I don’t think it is true. 

We all have different circumstances and starting points and that has an affect on the size of our wagon. How we maintain the wagon also influence the size of the wagon. 

How we organize the items in the wagon also has an impact on the amount of knowledge you can keep before it is falling of the wagon. 

Note for self - maintain your wagon. Expand your wagon. Organize your wagon. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Just say it!

My work place is a nice place to work in. Sometimes too nice. When people are evaluated for their performance they might not get a full picture of where they are because they are not getting the necessary feedback. 

I prefer letting people know when they have done wrong and what they can improve on without the fear of politics. And I prefer to know that for myself as well. 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Change of Plans

 Spring break is now time for me to take a break. Recharge. Re-plan. 

I want to take the time this week to evaluate where I am and where I want to be. This will require some focus time and most likely change of my plans.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Next time

 Sometimes things do not work the way you want. With all your best intentions there is a colossal failure. 

It can be very frustrating and demoting. But you always have to pickup the pieces and try to do better next time. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Being a martial artist

For me, becoming a better martial artist is not a major goal. But it is part of the way to become a better person and to impact my surroundings. 

I have found that Kung fu has a lot to offer to my growth and and how I affect others growth as well. 

This is why Kung fu is important for me. 

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Who is Mr Stacky?

 As you progress with your training it is natural to look around and compare your progress and your state with others around you. 

But the important thing to remember is that you only have control on your progress. And where you are going to be at the end of the day depends on what YOU are going to be doing today. Not what others are doing. 

Keep investing in your self. Keep making daily progress. 

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Do it and enjoy it

 This weekend is the NBA Allstars weekend. These basket players are elite performers and athletes. And the are are doing what they love. 

I often heard this mantra - do what you love and you will be happy. But what I love is not paying the bills. Heck - I’m not even that good at it and I’m not even sure I would love it if it was my full time job. 

So I think sometimes it is ok to settle with something you are ok with. Not something that will make you miserable. Then make sure you are allowing for enough time and resources to do what you really want. 

Saturday, February 12, 2022


We are so polarized. About everything. 

The government should stop mandating masks. The government is removing the restrictions too fast.

You should restrict screen time for kids. You should let kids make their own  decisions.

Oh Boy. The extremes has never done good to society. There should be a balance between things, between decisions. Balance.

When I am doing a technique and asked if I am pushing or pulling the answer is that physically I do both. My intent might be to pull or to push a specific part of my body but 99% of the time, it is a combination of a pull and a push at the same time.

Take for example the horizontal elbow strike. Is it a push or a pull? Your elbow is going out and striking the target - your hand is pulling and your shoulder is pushing. One side of the hips is pulling while the other is pushing. What are you focused on? For  me is making sure I have most effectiveness in my strikes so in the elbow strike example, I will make sure that my shoulder is not the only part of the body engaged (pushing) and that I incorporate my hand, the other shoulder, the hips, the feet... sound like the 6 harmonies...

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Start at the End. Make Adjustments.

I like setting plans. I like knowing exactly what I am going to do. As a black belt (and as I progressed with my leadership at work), I learnt to make adjustments along the way.

I still start at the END. What do I want to achieve. What is the purpose of the project. Then I set a plan to get to that end  result. The best way to get there is not necessarily the most straight way. It might also not be what might seem the easiest route. I make adjustments to handle changes that are happening. Still seeing the end result in mind.

This is true with every technique in Kung Fu and it is also true in multi year, multi million project.

Saturday, January 29, 2022


 One of the great rewards of teaching and mentoring is seeking the growth of your students. But it can be very frustrating when they don’t listen or even when the listen but then do it the wrong way. 

With teaching one need to understand that not all you are saying is clear to the students as it is to you. Sometimes it takes years to get things across and sometimes all it takes is someone else explaining it in a different way. 

While it can be very frustrating to see the “resistance” in one’s growth, it is part of the teaching experience. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Missed Opportunities

We often talk about missed opportunities. How we, because of fear, work, time, money, miss these opportunities that can transform  our lives.

After I visited Dharamshala, India - I knew that I missed an opportunity to of a life time - to meet the Dalai Lama. In order to do this, I had to register and then wait  few more  weeks. But I was in a rush to  move on. And later  regretted that.

I got to know Thich Nhat Hanh only after I moved to Canada. Somewhere around 2005. I was  listening  to his books and audio podcasts once in a while. I always thought it will be great to meet  someone like him in person and had  thoughts of  going to a retreat in Plum Village. Unfortunately, this opportunity is now also gone.  Thich Nhat Hanh has died yesterday at the age of 95. He is leaving a void I really hope someone will be able to fill.

"In the  here, in the now - I have arrived, I am home."

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Ultimate Goal

 My ultimate goal is not to die young and to be able to be active when I’m older. 

Currently I have few goals that are supposed to support the ultimate goal. 

As mentioned in my last blog I have not been doing great with these goals this year. 

Goal 1 was to improve my cardio. Although there is some improvement, I still finding myself breathing heavily more often than I would like. I’m adjusting my plan to incorporate interval training but I’ve been having hard time to get consistent as of yet. 

Goal 2 was to improve my flexibility. This area had lots of improvement in the last 2 years but I still feel way too stiff. Recently I stated a routine the was good for me in the past and I’m also planning a new hamstring routine that I hope to share in the next few weeks. 

The 3 goal was to get to a healthy weight. I met with a dietitian, I tried intermittent fasting which I liked but I had few obstacles doing it properly. I’m definitely not where I wanted to be. I’m going to try intermittent fasting again and remove the obstacles I had before. And with that drink more and more water. 


Sunday, January 2, 2022

Eluding Goal

Why this year is going to be different from any of the (about) 10 last years?

They all start the same - there is a goal. Very obvious goal. And there is a plan. Similar plan every year. Sometimes there is even good progress for awhile but a lack of finishing commitment has prevented me from achieving the goal. 

I tend to adjust the plan based on what is happening with life but sometimes it leads to the plan not supporting the goal. 😞