Sunday, October 29, 2017

Do we have enough medals?

The Tiger Challenge is different for me. For me, most of this event is happening before the first match starts.

Creating the slides for the TVs, checking to see if there are enough medals, ordering the trophies, preparing the sign-up forms, preparing the divisions and arranging the schedule. This is all happening in the days and weeks before the Tiger Challenge. This year I also wanted to get the Dragon dance with the Lion dance.

Every year has its own challenges. As in previous years, there were some difficulties with setting the divisions. But this year I was mostly worried that we will not have enough medals for all winners.

Anyhow, the day has arrived. We had a great team of people arranging the kwoon for the event. I think that it gets easier every year as we already know what to do... The Dragon Dance and Lion Dance was really good. I want to thank the dragon team for being able to pull it off in such a short time but especially to thank Mr. Kohut (Nate) who did not hesitate to come and join us.

From my perspective, the event went much smoother than previous years. I think that the score keepers this year did a great job and everything was as planned. Well almost.

It was Mr. Kohut (Simon) who said something like "this was not supposed to happen". It looked like part of their fight choreography but Mr. Thompson was actually down. Luckily we had a trained medical individual and we made sure Mr. Thompson is OK. It was a great relief to see him continuing to help with score keeping later that day. Very scary but I am so glad it ended OK.

Thanks for everyone who helped in anyway before, during and after the event! It is always a very stressful and tiring day for me but also very rewarding and fulfilling day.

Sunday, October 22, 2017


That is all I can see whenever I go running with Sharida and Kobe. Once in a while they will stop and wait for me but the minute I catch-up, they will start running leaving me in the dust again.

I was never a good long distance runner (and long means more than 400 meters...). I had been better than what I am now few years ago. I even did a 17k run once (that was hard). Running for long distances but I know what my goal is for this coming year of IHC. I'm hoping to improve my pace and to be able run 5k or 10k without feeling I am going to die.

Sunday, October 15, 2017


"There is good and there is evil. Right and wrong. Heroes and villains. And if we're blessed with wisdom, then there are glimpses between the cracks of each where light streams through. We wait in silence for these times when sense can be made, when meaningless existence comes into focus, and our purpose presents itself. And if we have the strength to be honest, then what we find there, staring back at us, is our own reflection, bearing witness to the duality of life. And each one of us is capable of both the dark and the light, of good and evil, of either, of all. And destiny, while marching ever in our direction, can be rerouted by the choices we make. By the love we hold onto, and the promises we keep." Mohinder

Our actions are determined by our intention and our intention - good or bad is based on our spirit. Develop positive spirit students and you will get human beings with good intentions. You will get human beings that will become heroes.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

We all gonna die! But how soon will it be depends on what we do!

More and more terrorist attacks are hitting what is known as the western world. The death toll is rising and seems to be higher than before. I started wondering what is it in numbers. Do I need to be worried about being killed?

Well, the answer is YES but not from a terrorist attack or a lunatic shooting spree.

Based on statistics, there is a higher chance for me to die from a lightning strike or a bee sting. But that is not even what I need to worry about (though the buzz makes me wanna run...). The 2 main causes of death are Heart Disease and Cancer.

There is about 80,000% more chance I will die from a heart disease or cancer than from a shooting.

But here is the good part - although I cannot guaranty how I will die, I can reduce my chance of dying of heart condition, cancer, etc by taking better care of myself. Eating healthier, using sun screen, drinking lots of water, getting checked on a regular basis, exercise, medidate.

In your comments to this blog - please note what you are planning to do to live longer.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Right Time

When facing a new challenge I often wonder when I should be going ahead with it. Being a new role at work, a new responsibility, a new project, taking my training to the next level.

This week I was reading a book and one of the quotes that spoke to me was: "There is no such thing as the right time there is only right now."

I've been missing out on a lot of things in life, waiting for the right time. Making sure everything is aligned before I make my move. I need to find the courage to act and do what I want right now because it is the right time...