Sunday, June 24, 2018


I had a conversation with someone about what is important and what we place in high priority in our lives.

Obviously the priorities are different from one to another person but they can also be different between the priorities for now and the priorities for the future.

The main question for me is do you sacrifice the now in order to achieve the future you want or do you delay the future goal in order to focus on the present.

Or maybe it is a combination of both. Like many things in life there should be a balance.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Not Ready

I am going away for work again. This trip is officially marking the start of phase 3  although we also have a day dedicated to phase 1 and needless to say there is also a phase 2 in the midst of all things.

Having one project phase is keeping me busy enough and having 3 right now is making me not be able to focus on all the things I need to do.

This is like aiming to learn and master 5 forms all in the same time. Unfortunately, this is not in my control and I do need to handle 3 project phases at once. I know I need to take a big breath, make a plan and then follow through.

With my weapon form, I've learnt sections 1 and 2 and have decided not to start section 3 until after Canada Day. I just don't feel ready yet.

So I will be away for a week and I will try to follow on you guys from distance web.

Sunday, June 10, 2018


I always said that I want to be able to do things when I'm 75 years old. I remember hiking in the Himalayas when I was 20 and along side me there was a 76 years old man that was telling us that this is his 5th year in a row doing this 10 day trek.

This week I felt like I'm in a 75 year old body. I had pain walking, bending, sitting. I'm not sure what the reason is but my whole body felt tight and it was a challenge doing stuff.

I've been practicing Kung Fu for many years now and I've been practicing at the gym for many years as well, but in the last 1-2 years I've noticed a decline in my cardio ability (that was not very high to begin with). Lack of energy as well.

In the next couple weeks I will explore different ways to get the energy back and to recondition my body to do better. (if you have ideas I would love to hear them!)

Sunday, June 3, 2018

The List

I have a list. A list of things I want to have, things I want to do, places I want to visit.

I had the list for many years. The list changed since I started it. Things added, things removed. Some of the items on the list were crossed off - got it, been there, done that...

Right now the list is not written down. I am not accountable to myself for the items on the list. I want to change that. I want to write the list (including the items I got) and then I will be able to literally cross things off. I will also have a better reminder to what is on my list.