Sunday, March 26, 2017


We all have fears. Fears from the different, fears from the unknown, fears from the future.

When we are facing danger our brain automatically chooses between flight, freeze or fight. This is our instinctive mechanism to face the danger.

Standing in front of what I fear, I act differently based on what I believe I can do best. Freezing however seems to be one way that I think I will mostly regret about in the future. I feel that an action is better than inaction.

Seeing my mom getting old and knowing that this time might be the last time I will see her is one of my biggest fears. And at this point I feel the I'm in freeze mode.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Vacation Time

Taking time off, going on a family vacation. That sounds great and relaxing but somehow it turns to be stressful. Making sure we are all prepared, trying to buy tickets to different places, planning the days so we won't waste time, worrying about the weather, the transportation, the accommodation, the food, the prices, the weather (did I say that one already).

Next time I'm going for an all inclusive cruise.

Now I need to relax and enjoy the ride. Whatever happens - so be it. I should still enjoy it and not question "what if?" all the time.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Into the unknown

When faced with unknown I can either ignore it or prepare for it.

Ignoring it and I will be faced with reality. Dropped into the deep end of the pool. Trying to keep my face up and breath.

Preparing for it, although not knowing what for, might make it easier when it happens. Some sort of emergency kit that when faced with the unknown will keep me above water.

How do you prepare? As I do not know what is ahead, I need to be prepared for everything. Keeping my skills polished and my instincts sharp. Looking around and finding other who might have walked the path before. Follow their success. Learn from their mistakes.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Energy Levels

The last couple weeks are bad. I've been low on energy and I also turning into food to keep myself going. I'm trying to stay active and attend the classes but it is not the same. The worse is open training where I find myself a bit lost. I want to be in there and practice but it just not working.

Trying to figure out if there is a way to boost my energy. Power smoothie, more chocolate, a sunny vacation...

If anyone has any ideas how I can get my energy level back up - please comment.