Sunday, December 25, 2016

Which direction am I looking at?

I've been sick coming in to this holidays season and it put a dent in my preparations to many things. I had to take some sick hours from work which put me behind in some projects. It prevented me from doing planks, putting me behind in my challenge. It stopped me from training my forms. It stopped me from enjoying the time at home.

Strike that.

Despite being sick, I've been making good progress with my projects at work. I'll need to push a bit more for my plank challenge but I can do it. I will continue to practice my forms. I had fun with my family and friends this weekend.

I will continue to enjoy the week. Catch-up with work and with my planks. I will have fun with family and friends for the rest of the week.

I will continue to enjoy the week. Catch-up with work and with my planks. I will have fun with family and friends for the rest of the week.

I will continue to enjoy the week. Catch-up with work and with my planks. I will have fun with family and friends for the rest of the week.

I will continue to enjoy the week. Catch-up with work and with my planks. I will have fun with family and friends for the rest of the week.

I will continue to enjoy the week. Catch-up with work and with my planks. I will have fun with family and friends for the rest of the week.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Time for myself

Work has been extremely busy in the last couple months and it is going to continue like that for the foreseen future. I'm grateful for my work and to the fact we are busy. It is not something I take for granted. But it is causing me to be more stressed and short on time. We are also going to change gears in preparations to the banquet and it is sneaking on us pretty fast. Usually we have about 2 months after the break. But this year it will be less than a month! So much to do.
Whatever happens, at work and at the kwoon, I know I'm going to give it all I've got. Time for myself? Maybe in few months...

Sunday, December 11, 2016


I've been trying many things and so far, although there is improvement with how my back feels, it is not where I want it to be. In the last few days I've been suffering from back pain again. With that I also had shoulder pain since the Tiger Challenge (obstacle course?) and I've been reducing the amount of forms repetitions to avoid injuries.

I had been thinking lots recently about where I want to be as a martial artist in the future and how these limitations are affecting me. As in many things in life, I'm struggling with maintaining what I have and learning new stuff. Finding the time for all of this is hard. I'm coming to the realization that I need to focus on specific things. I tried this at work lately and I'm having some success with being able to stay focused and completing the most important tasks.

Now the hard part is going to be deciding what is the most important tasks/goals/directions I want to take...

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Today we ad Noa's birthday party with her class. Noa decided, like last year, to donate her gifts to a charity. This year Noa chose the Parkland Food Bank. I can't imagine how hard it is for a kid to forgo their presents but more and more kids are doing that and are trying to help others. We collected 2 big boxes of food and over $200 in cash and supermarkets gift cards. 

I think that what we teach our kids is priceless as they will grow and be a positive influence on our society in the future.

Very proud of my Noa!