Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Who's Journey

I have no doubts about this. My journey in Kung Fu is not just my journey. It is interlaced with my kids journeys and my wife's journey.

This past week my twin girls were grading for their orange belt. I have to admit that I was nervous. On top of everything they have to meet my standards but are my standards good enough? My son is advancing towards his black belt and I keep wondering if I'm doing what I need to in order to help him achieve that and at the same time am I doing too much? I want it to be his journey not mine.

My wife is progressing as well and now I can finally hear her talking about a black belt. I still remember how hard it was to convince her to join... I'm very happy to see that her journey is a good one too.

I think that my journey was influenced by many others. I always want to have positive influence on anyone at the kwoon. Setting a positive example that will inspire others. And if you need help, please ask (sometimes I might be oblivious) and I will gladly do my best to help you out.

1 comment:

  1. Sifu.

    You and your family have something special. Everyone focused on a common goal of Kung Fu. I am very inspired by you and your family
