Sunday, April 19, 2015


This weekend was the first in a long time were I as able to spend time outside and enjoy it. The sun was nice and warm. The wind was not too strong and I was doing various projects and tasks outside. Enjoyed time with the kids outside and took the dogs to the dog park.

There is something about the sun and being exposed to it for a long time. It makes me feel good. I did not want the weekend to end. It was a good weekend. I had fun practicing Kung Fu on Friday and Saturday and then soaking in the sun while power raking, running and building self watering pots.

My numbers are still not there as I was sick for more than a week but I'm back on track and I'm sure my numbers will be where they need to be soon. I also trying something else with my Bokken - I have a new form (which means I need to practice more to get it to where it needs to be).

Lots of work ahead but as long as the sun is shining, I'll be OK...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment on my post. I heard there were some side liners giggling at you and I torturing one another. I had a blast working with you as well.
