Sunday, April 26, 2015

Love and Hate

I knew it all along and it is not something new that I learned about my-self. I LOVE food. I like to eat. Sweet food, salty food, greasy food, spicy food - I love it all. Chinese food, Japanese food, mid-eastern food, Italian food, Canadian food - I love it all.

I used to be able to eat lots and stay in a reasonable weight due to my activity and metabolism. It seems like one is changing and I can feel the waistline getting bigger. I don't like that but I still eat lots and I eat the good stuff - the stuff that make me fat.

There is another thing that I knew for a long time. I HATE squat thrusts. Out of all the exercises (and not after close battle with mountain climbers and lateral jumps) squat thrusts is the one that I dislike the most. The motion of up and down makes me dizzy and I feel like dropping dead on the ground after a few,

I figured out what my desired target weight is. From now on, every day I will check the difference between my weight and my target weight and I will do this amount in squat thrust.

There are 2 potential outcomes:
1. I will get to my target weight.
2. I will get used to doing lots of squat thrust.

Better start working... 17 squat thrusts done today.


  1. Lol. You also love the plank! I will remember to start doing squat thrusts when we are near one another in class and watch you regrettably join me.

  2. I wish I would have read this before class tonight, I will enjoy doing squat thrusts with you and maybe, just maybe, my waist line will shrink a little too :)
