Sunday, November 29, 2015

Snap, crack, cramp

Last week was a mix of events, emotions, highs and lows. I'm still struggling with some injuries. Some of them got worse this week but I was still pushing myself all the way to the demo on Saturday. Later that day, while sitting at home I, all of a sadden had the worse muscle cramp ever. I was not able to move and the pain intolerable. After few minutes I was able to stretch it out and I was able to move my leg and massage the pain away. On top of that, in the last few nights I haven't been sleeping well because of my lower back pain. I keep waking up and I feel exhausted most of the time.

Today I went running at Chickakoo, as I do most Sundays, but I was really out of breath. More than ever before. At the end it was even hard to walk. Then in the afternoon I stumbled across a blog about over training. I think I need to give my body a chance to recover better. I need to get to my Chiropractor and get this back pain over with. I need to work on my core and strengthen my back muscles. How to do this with my full schedule of home, work, Kung Fu, running, holidays, preparing for the banquet? I'm not sure yet.

1 comment:

  1. Start with the back, I think it needs to be your priority. If you don't take care of the basics, none of that other stuff will matter. What type of vacation can you expect to have if you are stuck lying down, dealing with muscle spasms? Yes, moderation is the key. Knowing when to back off and knowing when to push are always the hardest things for an athlete to master.
