Sunday, February 23, 2014


Numbers do not lie. It doesn't matter which angle you look at it. I've been training lots but I'm neglecting some of my goals.

Specifically the QiGong exercises but also the Horse Stance, the Plank and the staff form. I'm practicing lots with the staff but not working enough on the form itself. The numbers are a reminder to focus on what I need to focus on this year.

Push-ups - 1,060 (3,230/50,000)
Sit-ups - 1,060 (3,150/50,000)
Nunchucks - 15 this week - 77 out of 1,000
Staff - 8 this week - 38 out of 1,000
Acts of Kindness 25 -  this week - 63 out of 1,000
Plank - 15 this week - 37 out of 1,000 minutes
Horse Stance - 16 this week - 44 out of 1,000 minutes
Qi Gong - 1 this week - 7 out of 365

1 comment:

  1. Let me know if you need help with your staff form. Some times we all just get a little writers block and some outside assistance is all that is required.
