Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Never Give Up

I can't lie. I'm scared. Nervous. Exited. Terrified. Doubting my self. But not ready to stop, to give up.

I've been training for 6 years and yes, if I had to do it again I would probably do a better job, but I think I did my best. Dedicated myself (especially in the last year) to Kung Fu.

I've got my injuries. And weaknesses. Some days I feel tired -  from work, from life. But there is a good reason why I do what I do. Actually there are few reasons. FAMILY, HEALTH, SUCCESS, FRIENDS and HAPPINESS.

I was watching this short video today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJu448 And if this guy was able to do what he did. Regardless of all the obstacles he faced. Anyone can. At least anyone can do their best and never give up. I know I'm going to.


  1. Good for you! The black belt grading is one of the most stressful things you'll have to do, but it you keep this attitude, you can make it through.

  2. Thank you for putting us first. But health is really the most important. I am proud of what you have done for your health through Kung Fu!

  3. On the day of just don't forget the sacrifices you've made and the hard work you've put in to get there, it helped me get through it all and reminded me when I was exhausted that THIS was it, everything you've been working for. Adrien and I are really rooting for you, let us know if you guys need anything.
