Sunday, April 7, 2019

what is the point?

While being part of the IHC I had to blog once a week. I try to keep this up as I believe that all I do during IHC year should be sustainable and done even when I am not part of the IHC.

But sometimes I wonder... The last few posts, are getting almost zero traction. Almost no one is reading them. So what is the point?

I guess that these blogs are mostly for me to benefit from and not necessarily for others. So it doesn't really matter who and how many people are reading my blog.


  1. I read all your posts and I get a lot out of them. I admit that I am way behind since my dad's health issues but I do appreciate your journal and the engagement you always show.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I double posted, hence the deletion. Sorry.
