Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Am I a failure?

Lots of things are going on lately. Life seems very intense and unfair. I've been working hard but I still feeling like I'm failing. From talking to some other students in the I Ho Chuan I get the feeling that this is a common struggle. Work has been challenging as well. I have 2 new clients and lots to learn. There is a lot of pressure to perform and again I fear from failing and disappointing my supervisors. Actually, I'm more worried about disappointing my self.

My family is one of the main reasons why I joined Kung Fu and I always like to use the phrase Sifu Brinker is using - "use it as a tool and not as a hoop" and relate it to my Kung Fu training. I learn Kung Fu because it is a tool to achieve my goals and core values.

I guess my point is that even when it is hard and even when we feel down, we should see how the experience is benefiting us and our journey for better life.

"Failure isn't the end. It's just part of the journey to success. Quitting is the end. Never give up." Bonnie Pfiester.

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely not a failure. As long as you keep plugging away, you will succeed. Remember though, to re-evaluate how you trying to reach a goal. You may have to change direction once in a while, but I have no doubts that your kung fu will serve you well.
