Sunday, December 20, 2015

How to get better?

The year of the sheep is nearing it's end and while we still have lots to do and prepare this year I'm already thinking of what is going to happen next year - the year of the monkey.

I've ordered a new weapon and received the wrong one... Now I will have 2 different weapons. We will see how that goes. I am finalizing my personal goals.

All that made me think about why I'm signing up again. I want to continue what I started when I joined IHC. To be a better person, parent, martial artist.

When I decide to be part of the IHC team, I know that I am making a decision of prioritizing Kung Fu and the team. I have to stay engaged in order for my year to be successful. It is not easy but this year I will have both my son and my wife in the team. I'm sure there will be lots of weapons flying around the house...

I would like to ask each one of you who signed up for the monkey team to think how can you make it a better year for you? We had a pretty good year but I know we can get even better.

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