Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tiger Challenge aftermath

Tiger Challenge is one of the best days for me. It is also one of the hardest one.

This day is filled with emotions. Stress, pride, friendship, emptiness.

The stress level is high. I'm nervous about my performance, my kids' performance (are they going to get a medal?), the kids I teach performance (are they doing good?), is the event going to run smoothly?

Then pride sips in when my kids and wife are competing (although being very nervous) and are winning and getting some medals, I'm doing good with my forms (next year I might steal the gold from sifu Playter :-)), the Advanced Black Dragons are looking pretty good and very creative (I was so happy to see that) and all the events are running smoothly - this was the earliest we finished.

There was even one moment that almost ruined the whole day for me - but I will leave that for a future blog.

Talking with fellow friends and having the pizza at the end was very nice and I hope I was not too short towards anyone because of me trying to see what is happening (and need to happen) in all 3 rinks.

Then coming back home - there was a crash. The adrenaline was gone. This happens when you prepare so much for something and then it is gone. There is nothing more to do... I don't like this feeling.

Looking back at the Tiger Challenge this year - I think it was a success for me personally. Not without struggles and not without frustrations but overall the good overcomes the ugly...


  1. We all owe you greatly for the great day we had. You did a masterful job of organizing and taking care of all the competitors. Thank you.

  2. You did a wonderful job of organizing the events. It is a goal of mine to achieve your level of organizational skill and attention to detail.
