Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Being Focused

Being focused is something I struggle with. I think many people have the perception that I know what I want, that I know what I'm doing. There are so many things to do. So many things I want to do. It is paralyzing at times. Some of my work days are so hectic that at the end of the day I don't even remember what I was doing. I would love to focus on one thing.

Practicing Kung Fu has the same challenge. Should I practice forms or techniques? Should I work on my fitness or my flow? Should I help teach a class or practice by myself? In the past few years I had different strategies. For a period of time I had split the week into 5 and practice a different aspect of Kung Fu on each day. During the I Ho Chuan year I had more of a "everyday" schedule where I tried to crumb everything. There was also the time where I practice whatever we did in class for the following few days.

I'm not sure what is the best way to practice. I think that as long as you do practice, results will come. Now I need to focus again and go do some forms... or push-ups... Arrrr!!!

1 comment:

  1. How about push-ups between forms? :-) I think the push-ups and sit-ups should be just part of a routine. That's what serves me best. As for forms and techniques, it's going to depend on your goals. Long term vs. short term. Some days my body (or brain) doesn't want to cooperate. So I try to listen to what my body or brain is telling me and go with what serves me the best at the time. It's a winding path our our road to mastery.
