Friday, August 16, 2013

Worst week so far

This week was bad. Very bad.

Starting with my work - I had very hard time dealing with some of my clients and I was feeling like a chicken without a head running around and being thrown eggs on. I'm so happy the week is over and don't want Monday to come.

I also have a very aching shoulder. It affects my training and I am scared I'm pushing it too much. How do I know how much I should rest and when I can push my self again?

I'm also lacking sleep and I was not waking up when I was supposed to, missing 2 training mornings. I'm happy I still made it to class this week (8 classes so far this week). It seems like the only time I was able to train this week.

Tomorrow we have the forms seminar and I am nervous (yes, ms. Gibbons, you are not the only one). I'm not doing well when so many people are watching and judging me. I want to learn but I'm not comfortable with the public evaluation afterwards.


  1. You're doing great! Just listen to your body, if it hurts slow it down. Work is work, it will always be there. Hope this week is better for you.

  2. I thought you did awesome at the Forms Seminar Sihing. As far as your week, we're bound to have those, just breathe, regroup and start over. You and the Mrs have alot on your plate and are doing very well handling it all. I hope your shoulder feels better.
