Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Great Gift

This weekend was a special one. I was able to intentionally enjoy what I like to do.

Camping with my family in a remote campground away from other campers (only one more group in the campground). Hiking in nature without seeing anyone and almost no garbage. Kayaking, fishing, campfire, playing with my kids, playing with my dogs.

There was a moment that I was petting my dog and I was thinking - I shouldn't just enjoy, I should intentionally enjoy it. So I made sure that whatever I do th
is weekend was to the fullest. I think it was one of the best camping trips we had (and we had good ones in the past...).

This is not new for all of us - living in the moment, doing things intentionally. Again and again, life proves that this is true.

When we got home, after unloading the trailer, the kids gave me my Father's Day gifts. I am truly blessed and I am so happy I spent the whole weekend with them.