Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Watch my back

Seriously - watch my back. I'm not sure if it is over training, the cold/warm weather or the shoveling I've done in the last week but my back is hurting.

I feel like I should get a massage and I should pay my chiro a visit. Probably should drink more water. This is one of the things I struggle the most. Keeping myself hydrated. Although I like drinking water once in a while, it is not enough. How do you convince yourself to drink more water???


  1. In China everyone drinks hot water. And I've found, especially in the winter, it's very comforting. Helps me drink a lot more.

  2. I have read that you should drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces each day( for example, 100 lb. person should drink 50 oz.), it is good to have a goal each day and if you keep track it helps. I also like warm water, it is cozy and comforting. :)
