Sunday, December 27, 2015

Akesi Farms

We had a pretty busy schedule last few days. Then we fron to our friends farm on Saturday and everything was different. 

Although we were visiting with them I was able to relax an forget about work. Forget about anything that stresses me out. 

The kids are playing outside all the time. We were snow shoeing, tobogganing, boot skating, enjoying the mountain views, playing with the dogs, viewing the chickens. 

What a disconnect. Needed this weekend for a long time. 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

How to get better?

The year of the sheep is nearing it's end and while we still have lots to do and prepare this year I'm already thinking of what is going to happen next year - the year of the monkey.

I've ordered a new weapon and received the wrong one... Now I will have 2 different weapons. We will see how that goes. I am finalizing my personal goals.

All that made me think about why I'm signing up again. I want to continue what I started when I joined IHC. To be a better person, parent, martial artist.

When I decide to be part of the IHC team, I know that I am making a decision of prioritizing Kung Fu and the team. I have to stay engaged in order for my year to be successful. It is not easy but this year I will have both my son and my wife in the team. I'm sure there will be lots of weapons flying around the house...

I would like to ask each one of you who signed up for the monkey team to think how can you make it a better year for you? We had a pretty good year but I know we can get even better.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Wasteful Time

We don't have a lot of time to spare. No matter what scale you look at it. Everyday there are so many things that need to be done. Every year there are so many goals that need to be achieved. Our life span is not long enough to all that we wish to.

However there is always wasted and better ways to manage our time. Last week I've been in some meetings at work that felt like we are missing the point and that we just wasting our time. Yesterday I went to buy some doughnuts for Hanukkah and I had to wait 15 minutes in line. Today I planned to do some work and found myself staring at Facebook posts.

How can we get to a level of efficiency without being burnt out too fast? How can I run an efficient day where every minute count and nothing is wasted? I'm going to try to log my day tomorrow and see what is happening throughout the day. It will be an interesting experience.  

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Monkey? Bahhh, not yet. I'm still a SHEEP

It is very tempting to look at the next year of IHC and think "what will I be doing?", "what will be my goals?". But at this point I need to see where I am now in this year's of IHC.

I have some personal goals that were not at the top of my to-do list. I've been too busy with other tasks. Important as they are, I still committed to my personal goals and I plan to work on them. I still have time before the end of the year.

I planned to learn how to play the guitar. I borrowed a guitar and got some training apps but the guitar I got is a junior guitar and my fingers are too fat... I need to re-evaluate what I'm going to do. Either I need to purchase an adult guitar or maybe switch to learn how to play the piano... (as we do have one at home).

My second goal was to complete a native art project. I really neglected this and I do hope to pick it up during the holidays season. The big art project I had hoped for might need to wait for the summer (as it is outdoors) but I have some ideas for a project I can do indoors.

Focusing on what I have to do this year and accomplishing it is crucial for me before figuring out what next year will be.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Snap, crack, cramp

Last week was a mix of events, emotions, highs and lows. I'm still struggling with some injuries. Some of them got worse this week but I was still pushing myself all the way to the demo on Saturday. Later that day, while sitting at home I, all of a sadden had the worse muscle cramp ever. I was not able to move and the pain intolerable. After few minutes I was able to stretch it out and I was able to move my leg and massage the pain away. On top of that, in the last few nights I haven't been sleeping well because of my lower back pain. I keep waking up and I feel exhausted most of the time.

Today I went running at Chickakoo, as I do most Sundays, but I was really out of breath. More than ever before. At the end it was even hard to walk. Then in the afternoon I stumbled across a blog about over training. I think I need to give my body a chance to recover better. I need to get to my Chiropractor and get this back pain over with. I need to work on my core and strengthen my back muscles. How to do this with my full schedule of home, work, Kung Fu, running, holidays, preparing for the banquet? I'm not sure yet.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Treat me as an individual

Few days ago I saw a FB phot that said: "My wife is a Muslim. She is not a terrorist but I'm still scared of her".

That made me lough but thinking about it, it is not that funny. This is our reality. A reality where people are judged based on where they came from, how they look.

There are many situations where we are assuming things of people because of their origin. There are also some assumptions and decisions that are made by governments that I think are unfair because they are looking at a group of people as one instead of looking at the individuals.

No one should get an advantage or mistreatment because they belong to a certain group. Treat everyone fairly based on their actions, their behaviors.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Connect my spirit and body. Breath.

Trying to ignore what is happening out there. Trying to ignore the response of people to the events. Trying to ignore evil. Trying to ignore hypocrisy. Trying to ignore the shouting and yelling.

Breathing in. I'm closing my eyes. Breathing out. I'm in peace with my self.
Breathing in. I'm opening my eyes. Breathing out. I'm in peace with my surrounding.

The last few weeks have been hard on my body. My lower back started acting up again and joined forces with my shoulder pain and my hips. It is very limiting and painful. I'm trying different ways to resolve it but nothing yet, I'm going to try a new chiro who I hope will be able to remedy my aching body.

Last Friday, I was in the Dragon head for the first time in a while. While I'm sure there are many things to fix and get better at, I think it was not bad going thru the dance for the first time. I will have to get my body in better shape, especially my shoulder, if I want to pull it off.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

A Proud Parent

When I started training, it was because of few reasons that did not change much along the years. However there is one reason why I keep training that I never thought would be. I never thought that I would be able to stand in front of students and lead a class (especially kids). I never thought that I will enjoy it and that it will be an important reason for me continuing with Kung Fu.

When I teach the kids classes I feel a great responsibility to help the kids reach their potential, to make them better people, to empower them to do better.

At the end of the kids grading this past weekend I was looking at the parents as their kids were called to receive their new belt. Their was one specific moment that caught my eye. When Mr. Wilson stepped forward I was looking at his mom and her facial reaction showed how proud she was and that made me feel so good. It was a priceless moment for me. This is why I love (teaching) Kung Fu.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

"I wanna be somebody else"

"...Doctor, doctor won't you please prescribe me somethin
A day in the life of someone else?
Cuz I'm a hazard to myself

Don't let me get me
I'm my own worst enemy
Its bad when you annoy yourself
So irritating
Don't wanna be my friend no more
I wanna be somebody else"

I was doing some thinking lately and I believe I was trying to be someone else... I am trying to look at other successful people and hoping that I can do what they do. Well, it doesn't work. It leads to frustration and anger. Anger that I can't do what these other people are doing. That I can't do it as good as they are.

It is not going to happen. I can't just be somebody else. I'm going to evaluate where I want to be and what I want to achieve. Reviewing MY goals from the begining of the year and figuring our what I do next.

It is going to take few days/weeks of adjustments and then I hope I will be back on track.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Win or Lose

I don't like loosing. I wasn't planning to compete in the sparring events but I was not going to let sifu Regier get the gold without a fight... Both matches I started good and then I lost my energy. I get tired too fast and this is something I need to work on. I lost the match but I gained so much. So I actually won?

This year my son Kobe was in the opening Lion Dance. I felt so proud. All my kids participated and while some did better than others in terms of medals, they've all did great and conquered their fears or obtained their goals.

Now that my kids are older I would like to judge in one of the little kids events. I've never done it and I will have to make sure there is another person that can work with me on organizing the event (anyone?).

I feel it was another successful day and I enjoyed being around a group of people who want to better themselves and others. I think this one was a knockout - definitely a WIN for me.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Dragon practice last Friday and Saturday was fun. I think we are gaining momentum and we are able to repeat the sequence with different subs. Sifu Lagner is doing fabulous job arranging this and teaching new tricks. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Past paths

I've talked about trying to choose the right path in the last few months. Looking at the past there are always questions that surface about what if. 

Many decisions in our life are changing the direction we are going. By choosing one path we open possibilities and also close some. Choosing to move to Canada is one of the bigger decisions I had to make. It was not an easy decision and it is not easy now. Not being close to family. Not being able to help my parents. Not letting my kids the interaction with their cousins that they would had if we stayed. 

Now visit my sister and seeing how my kids play and enjoy being with her kids makes all these emotions and doubts come up again. It is not easy but I realize that we can't do everything be everywhere. 

I'm looking around me and I know I need to be happy. I have a great family. I have a home and the means to live well. I'm healthy (mostly...). I know that this is what I need to preserve no matter what path I choose. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

I ran 6 km (3 times in a row)

This run was not an easy run. I wasn't practicing as I should have (the most I ran this summer prior to this race was 6km), it was very cold this weekend, I didn't sleep that great the night before, there were lots of hills in the beginning (the view with the yellow colors was amazing), I was chased by a herd of cows and one bull, my running app was not working so I couldn't know how far I ran, and for the last 8 kilometers I was running in a small elevation gain (very painful).

But I finished 18 kilometers of trail running!!!

What kept me going when my muscles were aching? The mental game was in play. There was no way I would stop. I would have crossed that finish line crawling if I had to. Putting one leg in front of the other. One step at a time. Sometime fast and sometimes slow, but consistently going forward (except for few steps back when the bull started running...). I had to finish the race to prove to myself that I can do it but also (and probably more importantly) to allow the next person in the team to start their leg. Not letting the team down.

(You can clearly see the bull in the photo and I'm the runner on the left...)

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Everyday we are faced with decisions. Any decision we make is adding another stepping stone in our path. Sometimes we are presented with opportunities. We have to be ready for these opportunities otherwise by the time we are ready for them, they might be all gone.

There are few classes that are offered on top of the regular SRKF classes. Shaolin Fitness, Sanshou (sparring), Tai-Chi.

I've been taking part in the fitness class and the sparring class prior to getting my black belt and I have to say that these classes were pivotal in my journey. This year I also joined the Tai-Chi class. It is also one of the best decisions I've made.

It is too bad that we don't have a packed kwoon for these classes as the value they are providing is very high and both instructors (Sifu Denise for Tai-Chi and Sifu Masterson for Sanshou and Fitness) are providing high quality training.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Planning and Executing

"You have brains in your head you have feet in your shoes
you can steer yourself any direction you choose
You're on your own and you know what you know
and YOU are the one who'll decide where to go"
-Dr. Seuss

I love planning. I can plan forever. But there is a time were the planning has to turn into execution. I'm trying to focus my planning and to progress into the doing. Still work in progress.

Work is becoming more and more complex and my scramble is continuing. Focus is essential. I have few meetings this week that might change the course I'm going. We will see how that goes.

"You're off to great places,
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So...get on your way!"
-Dr. Seuss

Sunday, September 13, 2015

We should choose HOPE

Being at the Rotary Run for Life brings a lot of emotions. The biggest one is FEAR. I do not want to experience the pain some of these families feel. Another is SHAME. I realize that it is still hard for me to openly discuss this matter especially with kids. I am afraid of saying the wrong thing. But not saying anything is probably worse. SADNESS. When the families walked in with the names of their loved ones I felt great sorrow. I was focusing specifically on one family who has lost 3 different members – a father, a brother and a nephew.

Everyone should have a safe place to go to. A place where they can reach out and know they can have someone who cares. A place they can recharge and regain HOPE.

Today I felt the pain of the families who are suicide survivors. I want to make my surrounding – my home, my work, the kwoon – a place where people know that there is always hope, there is someone that will listen, there is always a reason to LIVE.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Where am I going?

I'm standing at the end of the path. I’m looking ahead and I’m not sure where to go. There are different options all around me. I feel that I need to dismantle myself and go in all direction. But this is not an option. I don’t want to stay where I am and definitely I do not want to go back. I have to look ahead and figure out the best path for me. But it is not easy as I cannot see where each of the new paths is going. Some paths seem to be exciting but have obstacles to pass while some seem easy but might be uninspiring. There are some paths that seem too steep and some that have warning signs. In the last few weeks I’ve been spinning around and not able to clearly see where I want to go. I wish I had an answer but it might take a while to find the right one. Maybe the path I need to take in the near future is not my path and by selecting a path for someone else with someone else I will eventually find the road I want to be on.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

A shovel and dirt

In the last few weeks I've struggling with injuries that prevent me from practicing all I plan to. Every week I feel like I'm taking a shovel and digging deeper and deeper. Making it harder for myself to get out from. I keep pushing myself and maybe I should stop, think and start digging in the right direction. Maybe carving some stairs that will help get out... I got a book that has "simple" core exercise routine. I read it all and I want to start implement the exercises. It takes more time as I'm not familiar with the exercises but I hope that within few weeks I can do them without looking at the book. I'm re-evaluating my goals for this year and I think that core and flexibility are key for me.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Maintenance Week

Like most things in life, if you don't maintain it, it will not run in top shape, it will tear and break. It is true for our cars, houses, our bodies and it is also true for the kwoon. Every year, on the week kids return to school, we take a break from classes and embark in kwoon maintenance. This year the maintenance week is from August 31st to September 5th.

As I said, it is important to keep the kwoon in a top condition and this week allows us to do so. Some years we have bigger projects and some years we focus on cleaning.

However there is another aspect to this week that can even have a bigger impact on us. Taking care of the kwoon will also enhance the connection to the place. It will make you feel you belong, that this is your home. It is also a great time to interact with fellow students (and instructors) in a more informal matter.

I highly encourage everyone to participate. You will not regret it.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Is it worth it

Endless hours of packing, a loooong drive, grumpy kids in the back of the car... Well we made it to Goodsoil Saskatchewan. 

Now it is time to relax, enjoy some beach time, cabin time, camp fire. 

Was it worth the long drive? Definitely. 

Hard work, sweat, challenges. It is all worth it when you have a good goal as getting your black belt, better yourself and your surrounding. 

As hard as it has been in the last few weeks, I'm not forgetting why I'm doing this and why it is worth it. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

If I train and no one is around to see it, am I getting better?
If I care about others and their training, can they see that I care and want to help?

There is no doubt in my mind on the integrity of why I train and why I teach Kung Fu. I'm not sure that I always convey it in the best way. I truly want to better myself and my surrounding. Sometimes when I train I can be seen as sluggish, grumpy. Sometimes when I teach I can be seen as indifferent, disconnected. But I'm not. I do have my own struggles and time limits but when I train or teach Kung Fu I'm truly there in the moment. 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Environmental Guerrilla

I was just sitting down to write my blog and then the call came in. It was on. The mission had began.

I sneaked out of the house, grabbed the wagon and walked around the neighborhood. After about 5 minutes of walking I was there standing in front of the 3 stranded trees. The 3 trees were pulled out few days ago for road construction and no one thought about planting them back. They were drying up and 2 of them without much dirt. I picked the 2 into the wagon and carried them to their future home. Then there was the third tree. Still with a big bulb of dirt. After reducing its size to a weight I could carry, I hauled it with the van close to the new planting site and then carried it in. It was all dark and I was trying to be as quite as a ninja could be.

I don't know if the trees will survive but at least I tried instead of letting them dry up.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Domino Affect

Hard week. I missed 3 of my morning workouts. Felt exhausted for most of the week. And then one after the other, like domino pieces - low back pain, shoulder injury, upper back, right calf muscle spasm, left hip, left knee. At the end of Friday practice I was hardly standing.

Saturday we went to a 5 Peaks race in Camrose. Sharida and the kids were racing and I was supposed to only run 3 km with the kids. Boy, those were the longest 3 km I ever did. I was aching and hurting. But you know what? this was also the turning point. I LOVE going to the 5 Peaks races. Not because I love to run. I actually don't and I'm pretty bad at running. I love it because everyone who is there has a great attitude. They are all there to have fun, to be healthy, or whatever their reason is, The place is filled with positive energy. People are there because they want to be there.

Motivation is back on track. I need to work on healing few body parts but that is OK as long as I have the right attitude.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Time, Boards, Crabs and Spear

Back from 6 days of vacation makes me wonder if it was worth it... I was back for hectic time at work. Catching up and starting new projects as well. Between Kung Fu, the Tri-Leisure and work, the days started early and ended up late. Saturday we spent most of the day at the kwoon and then the rest of the weekend we were moving stuff before the mud person is coming tomorrow.

This coming week is not going to be any easier and we are also going to live in a cloud of drywall dust.

Back to Kung Fu  matters, I was working with Kobe on his board breaking. Helping him believe that he can do it. I'm so proud of him and want him to do well. This weekend I also had a chance to work with the 2 girls and when one of them told me she wants to play crab soccer, I've arranged for a game during open training. I think we all had fun. Thanks for everyone who participated.

I'm also making progress with the spear form although I'm having a little block because I know the next step is the jump and I'm a bit nervous because of my knees. I do like the spear form. So far it has been a motivator for me.

See you on the mats.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Breathtaking or Out of Breath

We did a very long hike last weekend. Probably the longest with the kids. I know of many people my age that would not be able to do such a hike and one of the reasons I love Kung Fu as a way of life is to maintain my health and to be able to do these things.

Instead of being out of breath I was able to do the hike and see the breathtaking views.

Kung Fu :1
Couch: 0

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Horses and Kung Fu

Yesterday I took part in a Horsemanship seminar. I never felt too comfortable with horses (or any animal other than dogs for that matter). While we were standing near the horses and Tony was pairing a horse to each of us, I noticed that one of the horses is different. Bigger, black, stronger looking. I was thinking to myself, I hope I get one of the smaller looking horses. Well, you probably guessed it, I got that horse. Jim is a 34 years old horse. Big and strong. I was humbled to stand next to him. Tony explained to us how to earn the trust of the horse and then also how to earn the respect of the horse. It wasn't easy but I was able to lead Jim and even trot with him a bit (Tony warned me that he might not trot at all as he is too old).

During the session Tony was talking about our communication with the horses and so many times I was doing the connections with my training, with the classes I teach. You see, there is no much difference between gaining the trust of a horse and the trust of a student (or a co-worker for that matter). Horses (and for some degree people) can feel your energy, can feel your emotions. You need to be able to relax and control your emotions and to be able to be assertive, believe in what you do and show your energy.

It was a fun morning and I'm glad to say that I feel better with horse but I also have some thinking to do on how I behave at the kwoon and at work.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Boot Camp memories

Last Saturday marked the 8th year since my dad passed away. I don't need any special days to remember my dad and influential he was on my growth. But this Saturday while at boot camp there were few things that were said by sifu Brinker during the meditation session that made my memories stronger. I felt more connected to my origins, more connected to my dad. I realized that even though he is physically not with us, he is with me in spirit. This was a sad day for me but I couldn't have asked to spend the day with a better group of people trying to do better and be better. Thanks everyone!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Happy Moment

As an instructor, it hurts to see students leave Kung Fu. I feel like we have let them down by not inspiring them and showing them the benefits of Kung Fu.

This week there was a moment of happiness. A student who has left few months ago came back. I'm not sure what all the reasons are but it made me very happy. I'm pretty sure that the commitment and the role model of the student's mom was a crucial part in it.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Great Gift

This weekend was a special one. I was able to intentionally enjoy what I like to do.

Camping with my family in a remote campground away from other campers (only one more group in the campground). Hiking in nature without seeing anyone and almost no garbage. Kayaking, fishing, campfire, playing with my kids, playing with my dogs.

There was a moment that I was petting my dog and I was thinking - I shouldn't just enjoy, I should intentionally enjoy it. So I made sure that whatever I do th
is weekend was to the fullest. I think it was one of the best camping trips we had (and we had good ones in the past...).

This is not new for all of us - living in the moment, doing things intentionally. Again and again, life proves that this is true.

When we got home, after unloading the trailer, the kids gave me my Father's Day gifts. I am truly blessed and I am so happy I spent the whole weekend with them.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Weekend is time to relax?!

It never ends, there is no rest. Do this, do that. Work, kids, house.

Weekends used to be time to relax, time to do no work. But now it is time to do everything we did not have time to do during the week. There is so much that I can't even get to my "big projects" list. Scared even to think about it.

This past weekend was no different than others but I knew I needed a change so I made plans to run with Kobe in Chickakoo and then after we spent sometime fishing and reading. Not for long because we had to get back to the hassle, but it was a great time to recharge. I need to intentionally make time for this.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Make the most out of it

Struglinh with time management and fitting it all in and then something happens and changes everything. One of our I Ho Chuan member, a black belt at SRKF, who was in great physical shape, was diagnosed with a desease that could be fatal. It is beyond belief how one can be active and then once day to become so ill and to be in the hospital.

This made me thinking about my grandfather who died at the age of 40 when my dad was only 7. I can't even imagine how something like that can happen to me.

My Kung Fu journey is being emphasised by the way I want to live my life. Being healthier, being there for my family, being there for friends.

It is easy to get into the routine of regular life, but a week like this last week needs to put everything into perspective. I want to push harder in order to have better life for myself, for my family, for my friends and for my community.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Happy Birthday

There are a lot of thing I need. Many items I want to buy. Many places I want to go to and many goals I want to achieve. 

Today, for one day, I've put all of it aside. Today there was only one thing I wanted to do. Unfortunately I was no able to do it. I didn't even try as I knew it is "not going to happen". 

Today was my mom's 80th birthday and I really wanted to spend the day with her. 6,000 miles and a couple of thousands dollars prevented me from doing it. Prevented me from even thinking it is possible. 

Happy birthday ima. I love you from a far land and in my heart I'm always with you. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

I am an Eagle

When asked "if you could be a different animal...", I always choose an eagle. The ability to fly up in the sky and see everything always aspires me.

Sometimes, I am an eagle and I'm looking at everything that is happening to me and that is happening to the people around me. I see the opportunities I missed and the ones I've taken. I can see the priorities people are setting and the consequences of their choices. I see how people change their paths and how their lives and the life of the people around them change.

I see how people with the same goal might approach their goal differently. For example, reaching the top of a mountain as goal, I can see who is climbing the mountain just to ski all the way down. I can see who is climbing the mountain and then choose a different mountain once one is conquered. I can see who is climbing the mountain because they see the value in climbing. I can see who is taking the chairlift up the mountain.

Looking back at myself - reflection of what my priorities are? Where do I want to be? How do I want to get there? Who do I want to be with me on this journey? What will heritage be?
I'm trying to disconnect from the daily life, fly high and look deeply into where I am. Be true to myself. Have enough courage to do the right move.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


It's been 3 weeks now since I started my squat thrust challenge. The first 2 weeks were great and I've lost 7-8 pounds. This last week I've hit a plateau. It's been up one, down one every day.

It is a little scary as week 4 comes in and now my numbers will have to quadruple. Starting Monday it looks like 36-40 squat thrusts for me. Fun.

Pandamonium is coming fast and furious. It is time when we get to have FUN and also reflect on the fortunate circumstances we live in. We have houses, cars, electricity, running water, medical care, free education. Yes, not everything is perfect. But we are truly blessed with what we have! This is why it is sometimes hard to empathize with the charities we sponsor. We don't really know what it is like to be in there place.

OK, I have to go and try my Po costume. Make sure it still fits me...

Sunday, May 10, 2015

1, 2, 3 ...

This weekend was busy (can the days be more busy than they already are?) and successful. The kwoon cleanup was great success and I was very happy to see so many people come and give a hand to keep our surrounding clean. I was also able to do some gardening at home and the weather was great for that.

It is two more weeks before the Pandamonium and I hope it will be a successful day. There is a lot of preparation done by some people and it has to potential to be a great day.

My squat thrust adventure continues. Regardless of how much I've lost (OK - I've lost 7 pounds so far), I've been more aware of how much I eat and what I eat. I'm still eating good food but in moderation. Seeing others joining me with this challenge is inspiring as well.

1, 2, 3 ...

Tomorrow will mark the 3rd week of my squat thrust challenge, which means I'm going to triple the squat thrusts I'm doing based on my target weight. If nothing changes tonight, it looks like 30 squat thrusts tomorrow.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Double or nothing

For the last week I've been paying attention to what I eat and when I eat. Can't lie, I still had good food but I was trying to reduce the portions and avoid eating late. All because I am thinking about the squat thrust.

Well, I've made some progress with my weight dropping 4-5 pounds so far. On top of my regular training, I've been doing on average 15 squat thrust a day. I have to admit that it was great seeing others post their numbers too (although I felt bad that they are doing more than mine). I'm going to take sifu Brinker's advice (just in reverse) and manipulate the numbers... I need to continue pushing my self, therefore - for the next week, I will be doing double the squat thrusts for every pound to my target weight.

I can't believe I just committed to it...

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Love and Hate

I knew it all along and it is not something new that I learned about my-self. I LOVE food. I like to eat. Sweet food, salty food, greasy food, spicy food - I love it all. Chinese food, Japanese food, mid-eastern food, Italian food, Canadian food - I love it all.

I used to be able to eat lots and stay in a reasonable weight due to my activity and metabolism. It seems like one is changing and I can feel the waistline getting bigger. I don't like that but I still eat lots and I eat the good stuff - the stuff that make me fat.

There is another thing that I knew for a long time. I HATE squat thrusts. Out of all the exercises (and not after close battle with mountain climbers and lateral jumps) squat thrusts is the one that I dislike the most. The motion of up and down makes me dizzy and I feel like dropping dead on the ground after a few,

I figured out what my desired target weight is. From now on, every day I will check the difference between my weight and my target weight and I will do this amount in squat thrust.

There are 2 potential outcomes:
1. I will get to my target weight.
2. I will get used to doing lots of squat thrust.

Better start working... 17 squat thrusts done today.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


This weekend was the first in a long time were I as able to spend time outside and enjoy it. The sun was nice and warm. The wind was not too strong and I was doing various projects and tasks outside. Enjoyed time with the kids outside and took the dogs to the dog park.

There is something about the sun and being exposed to it for a long time. It makes me feel good. I did not want the weekend to end. It was a good weekend. I had fun practicing Kung Fu on Friday and Saturday and then soaking in the sun while power raking, running and building self watering pots.

My numbers are still not there as I was sick for more than a week but I'm back on track and I'm sure my numbers will be where they need to be soon. I also trying something else with my Bokken - I have a new form (which means I need to practice more to get it to where it needs to be).

Lots of work ahead but as long as the sun is shining, I'll be OK...

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Who's Journey

I have no doubts about this. My journey in Kung Fu is not just my journey. It is interlaced with my kids journeys and my wife's journey.

This past week my twin girls were grading for their orange belt. I have to admit that I was nervous. On top of everything they have to meet my standards but are my standards good enough? My son is advancing towards his black belt and I keep wondering if I'm doing what I need to in order to help him achieve that and at the same time am I doing too much? I want it to be his journey not mine.

My wife is progressing as well and now I can finally hear her talking about a black belt. I still remember how hard it was to convince her to join... I'm very happy to see that her journey is a good one too.

I think that my journey was influenced by many others. I always want to have positive influence on anyone at the kwoon. Setting a positive example that will inspire others. And if you need help, please ask (sometimes I might be oblivious) and I will gladly do my best to help you out.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Not fun being sick

I had high hopes from this long weekend. I took 2 days extra from work but I had to deal wit work crisis on both so in retrospec it would have been better to go to work. 

My back is still hurting every morning. Frequent visits to the chiropractor helped but I still wake up from the pain early in the morning. I guess the fact that I'm extremely tired contributed to the fact that I got sick. I was fighting it on Friday and Saturday but today I was a total wrek. 

With my back problems and being exhausted everyday, I find it is hard to mindfully practice. I go through the motions but without speed and intensity.

I sure hope the new week will mark a change as I cannot keep it this way. 

Monday, March 30, 2015


I keep asking myself "why am I doing what I'm doing?" This helps me to be motivated even when my body says I need to take a break. I've been having back issues that got worse in the last couple weeks. Sometime it is so bad, it hurts breathing. It does get better throughout the day and I was able to attend most classes and training.

Why am I doing what I'm doing?

One of the reasons is to stay healthy. I plan that when I'm 70, I will still be active. If I stop now, I will not be active 30 years from now...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Black is the new black

I got my black belt about a year ago after working hard. Very hard. In the year prior to me getting my black belt I was at the kwoon working, learning as much as I can. Priorities were set based on my values and goals to allow me to be at the kwoon almost everyday. I had highs and lows but motivation and re-engagement kept me going.

Now a year after, I'm still at the kwoon 6 days a week. Sometimes more than once a day. Why? you might ask. It is because my journey is not even close to the end. There is so much I still want to learn and much to improve.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Since the start of the new year I was slowing down with the pushups / situps requirements as I'm trying to get my shoulder healed. No it is time to rebuild the muscles without getting injured again. Slowly but surely I will catch up with the numbers and be were I need to be.

I'm posting my numbers to date (and were I was supposed to be in order to achieve the goal at the end of the year):
Pushups 1,630 (2,958)
Situps 1,780 (2,958)
MK form 65 (59)
Bokken form 81 (59)
Sparring 20 (59)
Running 34 (59)

Sunday, March 8, 2015


I've chosen the bokken as my first weapon this year. I have few moves I've constructed into a sequence and I've been practising it for the last 2 weeks. I'm trying to watch some videos on how to use the weapon. This gives me ideas on how my form will evolve but one of my goals this year is also to get better with weapons handling. I'm planning to try different weapons throughout the year including 3 sectional staff.

Learning a weapon has been a struggle for me as I usually try to avoid experimenting "crazy" moves. This year I hope to change this and this is why I want to experiment different weapons without the pressure of creating a form for each.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Hard week

First week of the sheep and I'm working late every night - back home after 11pm, not able to train and getting little rest. It was great to end the week and be back at the kwoon on Saturday.

It is amazing how this place has become a second home and how missing classes and training hurts.

Recovering from last week might take a while as my numbers are not where they need to be but I'm setting myself a goal to get there by the end of the month.

Week 1 Numbers:
Push-ups 490
Sit-ups 490
Hand Form 16
Weapon Form 16
Sparring 0
Distance 13

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Stop the train - I want to keep going...

Last night was exhausting mentally and I need a break. I did not have enough time to plan next year. I usually plan everything ahead of time and this year is seems that I'm easing off a bit. So today, recovering from yesterday's demonstration, I started thinking what I want to do this year. I know which weapon I'm going to work with but I'm planning to experiment different things with it before I can have something I can call a form. I'm not sure which other form I'm going to choose for my 1000 reps. I guess I better choose quick as I need to start right away.

I have some physical goals this year but mostly I want to become a better leader. Again, I still need to figure out what that means. No matter what this should be a year of personal growth for me.

Although the year might not start on a good accord (I will be missing all the evening classes this week due to work commitments) I'm going to work hard to make it another successful year.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Are you talking or walking?

The I Ho Chuan year of the horse is ending this week. A new year is starting. We all set our goals for the new year.

Even if we have the best intentions, if we are not taking consistent action towards the goal than is it really a priority for us? Do we see the value in what we do?

Some people talk the talk while others walk the walk. These who keep walking will progress in their journey toward mastery/black-belt/better-self.

I'm choosing to walk the walk. What about you?

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Ripple Effect

Everything we do have is affecting our surrounding. Our actions, good or bad, can have a positive or a negative influence on someone's situation.

I've been thinking about this for a while - what is the effect of our AOKs? Are we by doing something negative, causing something good for someone else?

When I keep the door open for someone, I let cold air in and make others cold.
When I let a driver merge into my lane, I make the person behind me get home later than before.
When I miss demo practice, I give the opportunity for someone else to have the experience.

Do we have control on the affect of what we do? Probably not. Can we make sure our actions cause good to some and do not harm others? Maybe not.

What is my intent.

If I intent to do good, I hope there is going to be a positive ripple and other good things will happen. If I'm nice to people they will be nice to others (and to me?).

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Consistently Extraordinary

As part of my continuous journey to better myself, I try to choose goals that will change my life and that I will be able to maintain. I don't like to say I'm going to do something if after few days I cannot maintain it. Part of my mastery is to keep doing what I need to do. Keep getting better. Keep learning. There is no vacation from life.

First paragraph from Mastery (by Stewart Emory)
"Mastery in your career and consciousness simply requires that we constantly produce results beyond the ordinary. Mastery is a product of consistently going beyond our limits."

There are 2 things I take from this paragraph:
1. We need to do things that are extraordinary.
2. We need to do it all the time.

Being extraordinary once in a while is not good enough.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Going on 150% power, running out of gas

This is how it goes... You think you are busy without any moment to spare and then life proves to you that it can get worse.

about 2 weeks ago I started a couple more projects in addition to the ones I already have. The first week, when I was in the USA, I worked enough for 2 weeks. When I was back I was in catching up mode.

The bad: I can't continue like this forever. Something will have to give.
The good: once I'm back to normal, normal won't seem so bad :-).
The ugly: I have a feeling it will get worse before it will get better again.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Are you ready for the ride?

We are in the last stretch of the IHC Horse year and getting ready to welcome new members for next year's team. A lot has been said about commitment, engagement, routine. One thing that everyone should ask themselves is "am I ready for the ride?".

Like many rides there going to be ups and downs. There going to be scary parts. There going to thrilling parts. Looking at the ride, you need to ask yourself where do you want to be in a year (yeah, the ride doesn't take us all to the same destination...).

No matter what your skill level, no matter if you had to work in Timbuktu for 3 months, no matter if you were injured for awhile - you need to be part of the team. You are part of the team!

Being part of a group makes it easier to overcome difficulties, to stay engaged, to learn new stuff (and from others mistakes), and to find new friends.

I wish all new and returning members a safe and exciting journey. Hold tight and enjoy the ride. See you on the mats.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Where are you?

After getting my black belt last year I kept going on excitement and adrenaline for few more months. The Pandamonium in May and the July 1st demo kept me motivated. During the summer we were gone for many weekends. Although during the week I was at the kwoon, not being there for Friday/Saturday classes and open training was not good for my engagement level.

Making the decision that I need to be engaged meant that I had to start spending time at the kwoon on Saturday. This is not a sacrifice for me as I spend time with my wife and kids, improve my health (physical and mental) and enjoy being around friends.

On the quest for continuous improvement, I cannot rest on past glory. I must train, be present at the kwoon and become a role model to my kids. Nothing is easy in life except for giving up.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Ready to be back. This is too long of a break for me. I like having some extra time at home but I miss being at the Kwoon. I'm exited about what happening this year. I usually don't like changes but this time I think it will be better. See you all on the mats.