Sunday, May 3, 2015

Double or nothing

For the last week I've been paying attention to what I eat and when I eat. Can't lie, I still had good food but I was trying to reduce the portions and avoid eating late. All because I am thinking about the squat thrust.

Well, I've made some progress with my weight dropping 4-5 pounds so far. On top of my regular training, I've been doing on average 15 squat thrust a day. I have to admit that it was great seeing others post their numbers too (although I felt bad that they are doing more than mine). I'm going to take sifu Brinker's advice (just in reverse) and manipulate the numbers... I need to continue pushing my self, therefore - for the next week, I will be doing double the squat thrusts for every pound to my target weight.

I can't believe I just committed to it...

1 comment:

  1. What you have been doing this past week has been very inspirational for everyone.
