Monday, June 15, 2015

Weekend is time to relax?!

It never ends, there is no rest. Do this, do that. Work, kids, house.

Weekends used to be time to relax, time to do no work. But now it is time to do everything we did not have time to do during the week. There is so much that I can't even get to my "big projects" list. Scared even to think about it.

This past weekend was no different than others but I knew I needed a change so I made plans to run with Kobe in Chickakoo and then after we spent sometime fishing and reading. Not for long because we had to get back to the hassle, but it was a great time to recharge. I need to intentionally make time for this.


  1. You are not alone with this Sifu Csillag, this rest and recharge is as important as "training itself". After reading your post, I feel like you wrote this straight from my mind.

  2. It's nice to stop and escape, if only for a short time.
