Sunday, October 4, 2015

I ran 6 km (3 times in a row)

This run was not an easy run. I wasn't practicing as I should have (the most I ran this summer prior to this race was 6km), it was very cold this weekend, I didn't sleep that great the night before, there were lots of hills in the beginning (the view with the yellow colors was amazing), I was chased by a herd of cows and one bull, my running app was not working so I couldn't know how far I ran, and for the last 8 kilometers I was running in a small elevation gain (very painful).

But I finished 18 kilometers of trail running!!!

What kept me going when my muscles were aching? The mental game was in play. There was no way I would stop. I would have crossed that finish line crawling if I had to. Putting one leg in front of the other. One step at a time. Sometime fast and sometimes slow, but consistently going forward (except for few steps back when the bull started running...). I had to finish the race to prove to myself that I can do it but also (and probably more importantly) to allow the next person in the team to start their leg. Not letting the team down.

(You can clearly see the bull in the photo and I'm the runner on the left...)


  1. Is this one of the instances where you don't have to be faster than the bull, just faster than the guy next to you?

  2. Bet you ran faster during that portion of the race! 😜. Congrats!

  3. That is one BIG bull. What a great photo. I need to get the name of this I can avoid it!

  4. Great job sifu! And a scary picture, that must have given you that little extra adrenaline you needed!

  5. Could have shaved 10 minutes off your time if you didn't stop to play with farm animals!
