Sunday, September 18, 2016

Leading (where?)

Sometimes innocent remarks can be taken the wrong way. As an instructor I'm always careful with what I say. Sometimes it is limiting. I'm not going to lie to someone but at the same time there is always a good and a bad way to say something.

Even a positive note can be taken the wrong way by someone else. For example, if I say that "all students that signed up for forms seminar are great",  does it mean that the students who did not sign up (for whatever reason) are not great? No of-course not. But it might seemed that way for some students.

Anything we say and do as leaders has an affect on our surrounding. It is no surprise that leaders lead by example. We do what we want others to do.

1 comment:

  1. I always have had a hard time following people who don't lead by example. When I see someone walking the walk, I'm definitely more inclined to follow that person.
