Sunday, October 2, 2016

Family Connection

For years now I've been teaching the kids classes but it all started because I wanted to be with my kids when they train.

I'm also teaching the early morning class and I'm very pleased to have 3 pairs of parent/child in the class.

If you train with your kids, I really think that training together is going to enhance the bond with your child.

I have the privilege now to training side by side with my son in the black belt class and in the IHC class. We work together and we help each other. I was told last weekend that my son and I are getting along great together. I believe it is more than that...

I'm also very fortunate that my wife is training in the IHC and I also get to work with her in her preparation to grading. It is fun for me to be able to spend time with her doing something we both enjoy.

For Families!!!

1 comment:

  1. Training with my daughters over the years has been awesome.
