Friday, May 7, 2021


 Work, life, work again, and again. Time passes and I was falling into the work routine. Multiple high demand projects. Covering up for others. Nearing Go Lives. Un-happy clients. 

And sore back. All led me to train less.

But let's rewind a bit. Let's go few months back. Work was still busy. My back was doing pretty good. I was doing a flexibility program that really improved my flexibility (surprising eh?). I was running more.  Practicing lots. And then I said to myself - "it works so good, I should do more stuff". Well that led me to do less staff. My routine changed and I stopped doing the things that worked for me.

I am still trying to find my new routine but I have decided to train smarter. I need to do what works for me. And at this point of my training, I need to get better in how I do things. Well - we always need to do this. But I feel I need to master the little details rather than the whole thing.

So I am still going to work on cardio, flexibility, etc. But I am going to train smarter and focus on specific parts of my Kung Fu training and analyze them deeper than ever. 

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