Saturday, May 22, 2021

Excellence Attitude

 We make choices all the time. Some choices, maybe most choices are going to be based on our attitude. 

Am I going to read this book? Am I going to workout? Am I going to complete my tasks?

But these are not all we need to ask ourselves and these are not just simple choices. 

We need to ask ourselves- am I going to read this book mindfully and follow thorough in a way that benefits the mind and my growth? Am I going to workout in a way the truly makes an impact and will benefit my body and mental being? Am I completing my tasks in the best way I can?

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Lots of work!

 We have lots of work to do and at times it seems impossible. But instead of digging deep into your own and not understanding others, it is important to keep the dialogue open and to keep our minds open.

Friday, May 7, 2021


 Work, life, work again, and again. Time passes and I was falling into the work routine. Multiple high demand projects. Covering up for others. Nearing Go Lives. Un-happy clients. 

And sore back. All led me to train less.

But let's rewind a bit. Let's go few months back. Work was still busy. My back was doing pretty good. I was doing a flexibility program that really improved my flexibility (surprising eh?). I was running more.  Practicing lots. And then I said to myself - "it works so good, I should do more stuff". Well that led me to do less staff. My routine changed and I stopped doing the things that worked for me.

I am still trying to find my new routine but I have decided to train smarter. I need to do what works for me. And at this point of my training, I need to get better in how I do things. Well - we always need to do this. But I feel I need to master the little details rather than the whole thing.

So I am still going to work on cardio, flexibility, etc. But I am going to train smarter and focus on specific parts of my Kung Fu training and analyze them deeper than ever.