Monday, May 25, 2020

Good from bad

One good thing about the isolation is that more and more people are getting used to use video conferencing. This helps me connect with family back in Israel where is the past they have "struggled" to use technology.

Monday, May 18, 2020

New Plan - part 2

Continuing with last's week blog -

the second thing I want to focus on is my flexibility. I started going to physio and I find that lots of my back pain (and parts of the body pain) is due to very very very tight muscles.

The treatments are painful but I do feel there is progress. I have less back pain and I do feel more flexible.

I am also starting a stretching routine that focuses on a different area everyday. This routine emphasis the importance of stretching for long enough time. 3 to 5 minutes!

Monday, May 11, 2020

New Plan - part 1

With new circumstances plans change. I had a specific schedule and rhythm with work and Kung Fu. Things changed.

There are 2 things I plan to focus on in the next year (which means I will have less time for other things).

The first is my ability to do things without getting out of breath. With staying at home, I am feeling less active than when I am at work. The best way I can think of to get better cardio is by running.

I know it will not be easy and will not be happening overnight. But I need to get running - faster and longer runs.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Act Now!

 We cannot change the past. So why do we look back and have thoughts of what if?

There are lots of things I wish I would have done in the past, things I wish I started earlier. But I cannot. What I can do is shape my future. So instead of dwelling in the past, I need to think about my future and act in the present. Act now.