Sunday, May 6, 2018


This last week was hard. I was away in Pittsburgh from Monday to Friday. I had intentions to do lots of training while I was there but all my plans stayed as plans.

On Monday instead of going to the gym before my flight, I had to attend a meeting in the office. Then 10 hours later, I landed in Pittsburgh and I had to prepare for the next day, going to sleep at 2am.

Tuesday was long. Very long. I had full day meeting with the client and then few more hours with my partners. I was able to go to the gym but I was extremely tired.

Wednesday I was exhausted. When we were done with the day I went for a walk and then fell asleep. I was catching up on sleep so I thought I should be OK on Thursday.

On Thursday as I was walking back to the hotel, I sprained my ankle and found myself on the concrete floor. Needless to say I was not able to train that day.

Well, at least the weekend was good.

I was at open training. I practice my forms and was working with one of my girls. I connected with some people before the IHC meeting. I went for a run. Did lots of yard work.

Now I need few days to rest from last week and the weekend. Hmm. maybe next year...

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