Sunday, May 27, 2018


Pandamonium yesterday was awesome! I was able to spend the day with a great group of people. The interactive challenge with the charities was awesome and made everyone interact with the charities and do some Kung Fu. Our demo and the lion dances were great. All the fundraising events were successful.

I wish we had better attendance from the students. Especially the kids. I wish more of them would have been there as it was so awesome.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Busy busy busy

I’m continuing to be extremely busy at work. However I’m still able to practice at the Kwoon and also at the gym. Sometimes I don’t feel like it but I go anyway. I am glad I do that as it feels better after working out.

My right shoulder has been hurting in the last 2 weeks which reduced my weapon training. I hope it gets better soon.

Summer is here and in between camping trips, work getting even busier and lots of Kung fu activities, I have to make sure I get my rest.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Bad Things Happen when Good People are Silent

What makes us take a stand instead of being the silent bystander? When is it important enough for us to get involved? With many ills of society, the issue is worsen because us bystanders are silent.

Being a black belt, being a team lead at work - there is consequence to my actions but there is also consequences for inaction.

Sunday, May 6, 2018


This last week was hard. I was away in Pittsburgh from Monday to Friday. I had intentions to do lots of training while I was there but all my plans stayed as plans.

On Monday instead of going to the gym before my flight, I had to attend a meeting in the office. Then 10 hours later, I landed in Pittsburgh and I had to prepare for the next day, going to sleep at 2am.

Tuesday was long. Very long. I had full day meeting with the client and then few more hours with my partners. I was able to go to the gym but I was extremely tired.

Wednesday I was exhausted. When we were done with the day I went for a walk and then fell asleep. I was catching up on sleep so I thought I should be OK on Thursday.

On Thursday as I was walking back to the hotel, I sprained my ankle and found myself on the concrete floor. Needless to say I was not able to train that day.

Well, at least the weekend was good.

I was at open training. I practice my forms and was working with one of my girls. I connected with some people before the IHC meeting. I went for a run. Did lots of yard work.

Now I need few days to rest from last week and the weekend. Hmm. maybe next year...