Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Forms intensity

 In black belt class we discussed on how to improve our forms. My focus right now is on intensity. I think I always had good eye contact with my opponent. This look in my eyes that says I mean business. 😄

But now I am also focusing on acquiring my opponent before I turn towards them in order to block, punch or kick. Da Mu Hsing 1 is great for this. Lots of opponents all around me. Once I make it second nature for this form, it should be the norm for all forms. 

Monday, August 16, 2021


 When going full force. Putting 100% at something, you will be neglecting other aspects of your work, life, Kung fu. 

For me balance is important, sustainability is crucial. Everything I do need to be sustainable. But not every little thing. I can do extra at times to focus on an area I need to. But the I also need to figure out how to add it to my sustainable routine. 

Aiming for 95%!in everything- I heard that recently and it was explained that if you are not going after 100% you will have the time for other things. And you will be able to go after 95% in other aspects of your life. 

Obviously this is not 95% of your time but how perfect you want to be in something. So while I would prefer to be 100% in many things. It is probably not possible. 

But I’m trying. Maybe 99%?!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

The hand wave

Last weekend I was driving behind a group of motorcycles. Every time the riders passed another group of motorcycles they would signal to them with this special hand wave.

This made me think about how as people we want to be part of a group. And also how dangerous this can be when we use this power against others who are not in our group.

I always try to make sure I do not discriminate someone just because they are not in "my group". Or miss-treat someone because they are not the same as me (yes - even these karate guys 😀).

As a black belt, I also try to make sure I am approachable and that I am respectful to all students. There are no black and white distinctions in my mind and non-black belt students might be even doing a technique better than I am. 

Respecting others, learning from others - this is always in front of me.