Monday, November 30, 2020


I'm watching a short film about a man who lost his vision when he was 19. But this is not stopping him and he continues to do rock climbing.

Yes. Rock climbing.

Not indoor. But outdoors in places that you can get killed if you are falling down. In places where I would be terrified to be in and not able to climb even 2 meters.

This is inspiring and at the end he says a sentence that stack with me: "I'm not disabled. I am blind and abled".

He is more able than most people that do not do what they want to do because they are not good enough. We should all learn from this guy and do what we love. Nothing can stop us. Not even being blind.

Monday, November 16, 2020


 We can always complain that our leaders are not showing leadership. If we really think they are doing bad, we should advocate for there replacement or better yet be the alternative leader.

Regardless, what we do and how we lead - even in our small little bubble - has an effect on our surrounding. Good or bad, there is an impact.

The recent restrictions were not clear and I think we could have kept the kwoon open BUT it wouldn't have been the right think to do. Switching back to online classes is showing leadership and also understanding of what the restrictions are for.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Student for Life

 If you stop learning - your are dying. In Kung Fu there is always something new to learn and it is an endless journey, if you are willing to take it.

Never stop learning, never stop growing.