Monday, June 29, 2020

What Grass Can Teach Us

The grass is greener on the other side! Is it true? 

It is a matter of angle and perspective. When you are looking at yourself, you see (and know) all the flaws and struggles. When you are at someone else you do not see what issues they are having and it might all seemed perfect. But it is not.

We all struggle and our struggle change in time. What might seems great from the outside might be just the angle you are looking. The goes with how you vie yourself - it might seems really bad but if you change your perspective, it might not be bad at all.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Life Matters

People have always been put into groups. Looking at the other groups with fear, detest.

We need to eradicate all signs of hatred or injustice due to race, sex, body type, religion, etc. At the same time we should not turn into destructive behavior that is just going to hurt other.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Kitbag question

In my early days in the army, they made us run a lot. For every little mistake someone had done, our Sargent would make us run for what seemed to be hours.

Sometimes they would tell us to bring our kitbag (which is a big bag with all sort of army stuff) and made us run with it.

One time, when we were told to be ready in 1 minute to start the punishment running someone asked “should we bring the kitbag with us” to which the answer was - oh yes.

Bottom line - don’t ask kitbag questions as you t will just make you work harder.

In Kung Fu I’ve seen this few time where we were asked to do 100 kicks before next class and then someone asks - 100 each leg... when this happens I always think of kitbag.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Lawn Evolution

I like my lawn. I like it to be greener than what the neighbor has (which is not easy as the one across from us takes really good care of his lawn).

Growing up we always had a push mower. It was a chore I hated. It took long time and it was hard.

After getting a house in Canada, I bought my first gas lawn mower. Life was easy! But there were always mechanical issues. With my close to nothing mechanical skills, it meant buying a new one or getting this fixed for almost the same price.

Then after few years I bought a battery powered lawn mower. This was progress as I was not dealing with an engine and I was also "saving the environment". But this one died fast (the battery) and never cut the grass properly.

I had new lawn mowers since (gas and battery) and I was only happy with my last one till it broke last week. sigh.

Well now I have decided to get a new push mower - no mechanical issues, no batteries issues, and getting in better shape pushing and mowing.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Running out of time

It is interesting how I always run out of time. I work from home and I save approximately 1 hour a day on commuting. Regardless I find I have less and less time to do everything I want to do.

This forces me to try to focus on what is important. But at the same time, it is challenging to go full force and without some down time.

This weekend I found time to read which is something I was not able to do for a long time. At least not work related. It was pretty nice and I hope to be able to do that as a down time in the near future.