Sunday, July 27, 2014

Vacation Time

Blogging from out of nowhere is not an easy task. My cell phone was completely out of batteries and there is no electricity around here. 

The last few days we were enjoying at the beach, hiking in the woods, kayaking, etc. Everything we did was done as a family. There are stories about people that wish they spent more time with there loved ones before they died. I'm hoping I'm doing it right now so I won't have to regret not doing it in the future. 

Doing what is important for you with the people that are important to you. This is what life is all about.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


I love planning. I can spend so much time planning that sometimes I can neglect the doing. There are few things in my life that I feel that I just need to do it, rather than plan and think it through. I don't even know if I can do it... when I'm out of my routine I'm so lost. Next week we are going on vacation. It is good because I will be able to plan ahead but at the same time I will be out of my routine.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summer, finally

Summer is here. It is hot. Blue skies. This weekend seemed to be like a roller-coaster.

Friday after work, black belt class, sihing class (bruised my forearm really good), I Ho Chuan class (hurt my back really bad being in the back of the lion), playing outside with the neighbourhood kids (twisted my ankle really bad).

Then I thought I will be in bed all of Saturday but still dragged my self to fitness class (did what I could) and open training. Helped Mr. Smid with wrist escapes (I love teaching because I learn so much when I need to explain what I'm doing). Then off to Wabamun lake with our kayaks and then relaxing with a camp fire and nice supper. Got back home after 10pm.

Sunday we spent most of the day at the Kids Festival - hours of fun playing laser tag, huge bouncy houses, seeing a magic show and more. Then doing yard work and doing some renovations prep in the house.

I was struggling with my schedule in the last couple months. I find it hard to wake up early when I go to sleep too late (it is 10pm now and I still have stuff to do...), I also find it hard to stay active in the early morning class. This is why I'm going to skip and go to the gym in the mornings. I'm also hoping to achieve one of my personal goals and start going to a Yoga class. I hope it will workout.

Summer. How can we make it last longer?

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Morning Change

Many times I find myself paralysed when I have too many things on my to-do list. It is hard to decide what I should do and it results in doing nothing. Needless to say this is the wrong approach and doing one thing will be better than doing nothing. However I get into this state especially when the tasks I have cannot be completed fast. If it requires work for more than few hours, I find it hard to start and commit.

I used to have a morning routine that I am not happy with right now. I think a change is due.